Part One- Personal
Name: Em
Character's Name: Brian Stone
AIM: EM Whisker
Other Instant Messenger Programs: emwhisker on Y!M (rarely used)
AGE:(Must be 18+) 21
Past Rpg Experience: HP-Related:
Oblitesco (Brian Stone)
Atramentous (Brian Stone)
Race to the Finish (Stebbins, Avery, Lavender Brown)
Taking a Detour (Stebbins, Avery)
Entulesse - LoTR (Pippin Took)
Theatrical Muse - Multi-fandom (Jacob Grimm, Dilandau Albatou)
Where did you hear about our RPG? I play here!
The following situations may or may not arise over the course of the game. You, as a player, are never required to participate in anything you do not wish, but the situations might arise around you. This is an adult game set in a fantasy world where there are definite bad-guys out there.
Having said that, please tell us you you feel about:
Het, slash and femmeslash: Fun so long as it’s not gratuitous.
NC-17 material: Fun so long as it’s not gratuitous.
Violence: Fun so long as it’s not gratuitous. (I sense a pattern…)
Part Two- Character Info
Character Name: Brian Greggory Stone
Age: 27
Birthday: 1 November, 1974
Wand: Willow and powdered dragon scale, 13.2”
House in School: Slytherin, 1985-1992
Bloodline: Pure.
Political View: Apathetic. Most any political view he professes to have is based solely on what those surrounding him believe. This even applies, to a certain degree, to the question of pure- versus mud-bloods-Brian accepts purebloods being better simply as a fact of life, though he sees the difference between the two as one more of social class than anyone being “better” in terms of magic. He’d use his own naturally weak magic as an example if he ever had to defend this view, but it’s unlikely that he’d ever bring it up.
Height: An even 6 feet, though his build makes him appear shorter.
Weight: 170 lbs (12 stone)
Build: Quite skinny; he has the appearance of someone who never quite grew out of puberty.
Eyes: Pale blue, though when the light hits them just so they appear pink.
Hair: White.
Dress style: Traditional wizard. His clothes are well-tailored as befits his family’s social class. He prefers neutral tones as any colour whatsoever tends to make him appear flamboyant.
There’s a small collection of Muggle-style clothes hidden in the back of his wardrobe.
Discerning Marks: Brian is an albino, which means there is no pigmentation in his skin, hair, or eyes. He has a lanky appearance with long arms and nimble fingers. He has several small scars from boyhood adventures, being tormented at school, and the occasional accident with a piece of equipment his father was selling. They are most numerous on his hands and arms, though there are a few on his face and legs, and one rather large one on his back.
PB: Raúl Zajdner - see Complicated. Brian’s particular sexuality could be best described as self-love: he’s more interested in his own pleasure than the other person’s, more interested in achieving power over them than serving their needs. He isn’t even terribly interested in who his partner is, so long as they’re passably attractive. It’s possible that he could feel a genuine connection with someone, someday, though they’d have to break down a lot of walls for it to happen.
Most of his actual experience has been in a series of one-night-stands with Muggle women (or men, but only a couple of times for a change of pace). He first ventured into a Muggle dance club at the age of 23, and will still occasionally go to a club or pub to pull someone. He enjoys Muggles because of the absolute anonimity they afford him, and as he instinctively sees them as something less than himself, he isn’t apt to get emotionally attached.
Introvert/Extrovert Introvert so far as he prefers to keep to himself most of the time, however he can put on an “extrovert mask” when necessary to exist in social situations.
Boggart: Brian’s boggart would take the form of himself with a twisted smirk on its face-one that knows all his failings, his insecurities, his downfalls of character. It would advance on him and begin to laugh, mocking and jeering. Simply put, his greatest fear is facing his own vulnerability.
Patronus: Brian has never achieved a corporeal Patronus, though not for a complete lack of happy memories.
Include strengths, weaknesses, quirks, general outlook on life.
Brian is possibly one of the least traditional-that’s to say, stereotypical-Slytherins you’ll ever meet. Certainly his bloodline is more pure than most, but strong aspects of his personality would seem more fit to other houses at first glance: he’s quiet, clever, lacking in traditional social graces, and not terribly ambitious by all evidence (really all he needs is the right impetus, but more on that later).
However, there’s one particular characteristic that the Sorting Hat picked up on, and it was primarily this that landed him in Slytherin: his fierce love of self coupled with enough insecurity to keep him from standing up for his own interests. His years in Slytherin taught him how to utilize his self-love for his own benefit and protection, to toughen up against percieved threats that would have had him cowering in the corner at age eleven, to take care of himself rather than live in constant fear. Some are Sorted because of what they are, others because of what they may become: Brian was the latter.
An adverse effect of this was that he built up a rather thick shell between him and the rest of the world. However, the few who’ve been able to slip past this shell have found within an intelligent, witty and supremely sensitive young man-and if he’s still a bit self-serving, it might be overlooked because of a certain vulnerable charm. But it is unfortunately difficult to find and capture this version of Brian.
Brian looks at life, and indeed most aspects of it, with decisive apathy. What should it matter if the world ends tomorrow? In truth a great deal, but this is one part of Brian’s shell he’s built up so much he nearly believes in it himself. Deep inside, however, there’s a small part of him that remains youthfully idealistic and rebellious. The reason he hasn’t given in to his parents’ pressure to marry, for instance, is because he finds spending the rest of his life attached to a person he finds merely passable loathsome-no matter if it’s his “duty.” He also has a strange off-and-on fascination with Muggles-he understands them to be something less than wizard-kind since they can’t do magic, but at the same time he’s awed by what they accomplish without it. And while there’s a great deal about them he doesn’t know he can sometimes be heard to use Muggle slang words or phrases. He’s especially interested in films and television: he’s been known (or rather, not, since what would happen if anyone found out?) to sneak out at nights, disguised as a Muggle, and attend a showing at the local cinema, or watch the shows in an electronics store (for a long time, he thought that’s where one had to go to watch tv). As a result of this he’s developed an interest in somehow bringing this medium into the wizarding world-a few times he’s been caught trying to “direct” the paintings stored away in the basement.
When he’s on the pull he tends to go outside Oxford to another place altogether-doesn’t want to risk being seen twice in the same crowd.
Parents? Margaret and Thomas Stone.
Siblings? None, though he does have a small white cat called Dot.
Family dynamics--do they get along? Opposite sides of the war? Accept their child's magical talent? Pressure for 'pure blood' marriage? There has definitely been pressure on Brian to marry a good pure-blooded girl, and soon, especially because he’s all there is for carrying on the family name. Brian has every intention of marrying pure when he’s good and ready-he’s just not ready yet.
Aside from the marriage issue, Brian and his parents get on well enough, and nine years out of his Hogwarts graduation they’ve become more like roommates and business partners than parents. He’s more likely to turn to his mother in an emotional crisis-when his cat isn’t up for listening, that is.
Occupation: Along with his father, deals in magical paintings and other types of art… plus the occasional piece of Dark Magic.
Residence: Stone House, a large and cluttered town house in Oxford, hidden away from prying Muggle eyes. It was first built many hundreds of years ago when the area was far less crowded with non-magic folk, and the family’s grown too stubborn to leave it. The basement is crammed with items waiting to be sold.
Financial Status: If any kind of upper class could be called “average,” the Stones are it: well-off enough not to be sneered at by crème-de-la-crème of wizarding society, but not enough to be greatly admired either. What unique status they have can be attributed to Thomas Stone’s popularity in the community.
History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time: Aristocratic families often aim for two male children: “an heir and a spare.” Brian was the spare of his family, though not for long. His 5-years-senior brother was a sickly child, and there are some things even magical medicine cannot fix. Harold Stone died his first year at Hogwarts, making the then-6-years-old Brian the new heir to the Stone name.
It’s possible there is simply something wonky with the Stones’ genetics, because although Brian is not weak physically, he is rather odd-looking-some people have (to their disappointment) mistaken him for a metamorphamagus; how else could he achieve such colouring?-and quite weak magically. His parents were relieved that he got into Hogwarts at all; it saved all of them a great deal of shame. And while he was never the best student by any means he got on well enough, especially in Potions, a subject more precise and practical than needing magical skill (he probably would’ve done well in History too, if it hadn’t been so boring).
His general apathy, however, barred him from achieving even a single O on the OWLs, and he graduated with equally unexciting NEWTs.
Brian had neither the magical strength nor the fanatical mindset necessary to become a Death Eater, but it was around the time of the second war that business in magical contraband picked up with a vengence, and Brian began to assist his father in the sale of Dark devices (and art, but that’s less relevant here). There were a few scares where he thought they might be caught for selling to Death Eaters, though the Ministry was never able to produce hard evidence that the Stones were behind a sale. Thomas Stone knows well how to cover his tracks, having learnt the art from his father, who learnt it from his father and so on.
During that time Brian would hear tell of a werewolf teaching classes at Hogwarts (“Now that’s exciting, maybe he’ll off a few students”), the Triwizard Tournament (“Why couldn’t that have happened while I was there?”), and Albus Dumbledore being murdered (“Never had much of an opinion about the man, but good news for our customers, isn’t it?”). Then Voldemort was defeated, and people’s lives, including Brian’s, couldn’t help but be changed by it. Quite a few family friends were rounded up and thrown into the klink, and the political environment began to change.
With the appearance of the Registry, things have changed even further. Because of suspicions on their family, all of the Stones have been issued with tags. Thomas is currently attempting to have their names removed from the Registry on the grounds that any evidence against him is coincidental and heresay. His position well affords him to be a crusader for putting the Registry to an end, since he is both a wealthy man and lacking a criminal record. At the very least, he is trying to get Brian-against whom the evidence is even less substantial-off so that Brian may begin to truly take over the family business. But Brian, for his part, is perfectly content for the moment to laze about and not have to worry about suspicious dealings. Gives him more time to go out at nights anyhow…
What plots would you like to pursue with this character? What short and long-term goals does the character have for his/her future? If Brian is removed from the Registry, with or without his father (which he may already be according to the mods’ discretion), he’ll have to work in his father’s business. This could create much plot with the “former” DEs and possibly the Ministry. Also more immediately, Brian has had his ears-and creative motivation-prick up by the appearance of those nifty tv-like contraptions Snape has whipped up. He wants to become the wizarding world’s first filmmaker, though it will most likely start off as “just a hobby” before he realizes how much he loves it. And of course it would be interesting to explore the Muggle fascination in general.
Finally, I’d like to find the people who CAN get past Brian’s walls, and have them chipped away bit by bit. Perhaps he could even fall in love/get married, though I see that being quite far down the road. In the meantime, his parents may try to set up him with someone.
Once you start playing the game and get a feel for your fellow players and characters, assuming the interaction is favourable, how long could you anticipate staying with this character and this game? What is your usual pattern of longevity in role-playing games? Like Stebbins, this is a character that’s gone through multiple incarnations and that I keep coming back to. I already know that Fiery Inception is a game with staying power, and I feel that Brian has it too. Having a plot idea to start off with definitely helps in that opinion.
What is your usual pattern of availabilty and play-time for a character and game which you enjoy? I can usually devote an hour or two a day when I’m not screamingly busy or in a place without internet.
Sample Journal Entry:
[Private to Self]
Prophet today: story about a young man slaughtered in the forest by a female werewolf. One of the pack living with Snape. The werewolf, not the young man.
Anyway, idea: story about young werewolves living together in a pack. In a house. Maybe a bit like a tellevision sit com. Too controversial? Many would find a story about werewolves from their point of view repulsive.
Though maybe not if it were made funny.
Maybe controversy is what people need to pay attention.
What’s best: populist or controversial entertainment? Discuss please.
Sample Third Person Writing:
“I’m not saying you yourself are a werewolf, Miz Porter,” Brian explained, feigning calm through clenched teeth, “I’m saying you’re pretending to be one.”
The middle-aged widow in the portrait, already rather miffed at what she had taken to be a grievous insult on herself, her family and her friends (who were, Brian had explained, probably long dead like herself, though that hadn’t helped the cause), scoffed and ruffled her fan once again. “In any case I have no time to devote to childish games. I’ve seen you down here, skulking about, doing Merlin knows what. One could hardly miss you,” she sneered, her pointed eyes glaring at his hair.
Brian took a long breath through his nose. “Right,” he said. “Fine.” He threw a sheet over her and made for the stairs.
The Stone House basement was in a dry spell of late, and it seemed the only things remaining in the way of paintings were members of long-forgotten family lines, heirloom rejects who were too self-absorbed and wounded at their being left to collect dust to listen to a word anyone else had to say. Brian stormed upstairs, the fifteen-minute diatribe about how she’d ‘never get near one of those filthy creatures’ still ringing in his ears.
He nearly collapsed onto the upholstered chair in the ground-floor room that led to the basement, and kicked his feet up on the table in front of it. Maybe he’d go out tonight, he mused; find another Muggle girl who would be fascinated by his odd appearance…
He realized there was something under his recumbent feet.
It was an old copy of the Prophet, the one announcing the opening of Finnegan’s, and Brian’s heel had been planted square in the owner’s smiling face. But he picked it up, read the headline again and scanned the article, hearing the possibilites whisper to him, and not for the first time either. All that remained was to work up the courage to approach someone about the idea…