Application of Tonks!

Mar 24, 2008 17:01

Part One- Personal
Character's Name: Nymphadora Tonks

AIM: PretenderGrl
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    AGE:(Must be 18+) 21
    Past Rpg Experience: Lots and lots. And wouldn’t you know it, I play in this game also as Daphne Greengrass!
    Where did you hear about our RPG? Hogwarts_grads

    The following situations may or may not arise over the course of the game. You, as a player, are never required to participate in anything you do not wish, but the situations might arise around you. This is an adult game set in a fantasy world where there are definite bad-guys out there.

    Having said that, please tell us you you feel about:

    Het, slash and femmeslash: fine
    NC-17 material: fine
    Violence: very much ok with.

    Part Two- Character Info
    Character Name: Nymphadora Tonks
    Age: 28! I’m getting old!
    Birthday: July 26th, 1973
    Wand: 12 ¾” Fig with Demiguise Hair core
    House in School: Hufflepuff
    Bloodline: Halfblood.
    Political View: Tonks is very liberal and believes wholly in human and ‘non-human’ rights. This makes her against the Registry, seeing it as an infringement on the rights. She understands its need, but making all werewolves wear collars no matter if they’ve done something wrong or not- that’s just wrong. Obviously she is on the Order’s side of things.

    Height: 5’8
    Weight: 135
    Build: Slim and muscular
    Eyes: Brown
    Hair: Stupid mousy brown… no no Pink! No wait Purple! *sigh* I feeling a bit rainbow coloured today actually.
    Dress style: Tonks has finally turned to wearing fairly fashionable (muggle) clothing, but nothing beats a pair of torn jeans and hooded shirt. When it comes to wearing dresses though, she doesn’t hate wearing them, but still feels that the guys won’t take her as seriously if she did.

    Discerning Marks: (include basic appearance, discerning marks, style, etc.) Tonks is a pretty young woman with a heart-shaped face. Her hair changes color at will, but is often a bubble-gum pink or bright purple. She use to keep it short and spikey, but now prefers it either long or chin length, depending on her mood. Her eyes, though dark, sparkle with thought and mischief. She has battle scars that she proudly displays on her arms and legs. As a Metamorphmagus, Tonks can assume many different appearances, and is all too glad to do so when needed or wanted.

    PB: Kate Beckinsale

    Sexuality: Oh is Tonks straight. She’s had several flings with a handful of guys, including Remus Lupin, Charlie Weasley and Bill Weasley. She believed herself to be in love with Remus at one point and was so incredibly angry when it turned out not to be. Then upon Charlie leaving, she had a fling with Bill for vengeance, but again it was unsatisfying.

    Introvert/Extrovert Extroverted. Tonks loves people and talking to people and just being around them.

    Boggart is? Explain. Her Aunt Bellatrix, the thought that the same blood runs through her runs through Bellatrix scares Tonks. She constantly checks herself on her reactions because she doesn’t want to turn into a ruthless, cruel person. This is why she is always on the mischievous yet happy side of life.

    Patronus--can they produce one? What is it and why does it have that form? Tonks’ patronus has changed several times, the spell seemingly acting on her own ability to change form. Last she cast it though, it had turned out to be a bat. She is sure this is her inner-self telling that it’s time to see her way through the dark and start a new phase of life. (After she saw this new form of her patronus, she ran around for days going up to her muggle-born friends claiming to be Batman.)

    Include strengths, weaknesses, quirks, general outlook on life.
    For Tonks, her personality and mood is reflected in her appearance. She’d be the kind of person who ‘wears their heart on their sleeve.’ She is outgoing, fun, and genuinely likes people. She has a great sense of humor and takes life with stride. She works hard but has fun doing so. It’s possible to get things done and have fun at the same time!

    As a mate she’s warm, affectionate and disconcertingly spontaneous. However, her attention span in relationships can be short; she’s easily intrigued and distracted by new friends and acquaintances, forgetting about the older ones for long stretches at a time. Also, she has a skewed outlook on romantic relationships as most men only like her because she can change her look to their fantasy. She hates that. Though, that’s why she fell so hard for Lupin originally; he was the first man to not want her to be anything else but herself. Same with her brief relationship Charlie.

    Tonks is energized by being around people; sometimes having real difficulty being alone on a regular basis. She loves to tell stories and make the people around her happy. She can be intellectual, serious, and all business for a while, but whenever she gets the chance, she switches into a wild child. Sometimes even appearing intoxicated on her bouncier portion of her personality. She is notoriously clumsy, and though she doesn’t mean to be she just gets distracted sometimes. Or a lot of the time. She uses common sense as her major form of problem solving. When a question is asked she doesn’t go from A to B to C, she immediately goes from A to C. Just go with what makes sense. Why dwell on all the minor stuff.

    She wants to use her talents, make a difference, and have autonomy. Friends are so important to her and she always has good intentions. She’ll do whatever she can do to hold on to them, but often doesn’t get around to writing or calling. Which she’s been meaning to do since she left. They should know that if they create a friendship with her, then the friendship is going to be intense and loyal and she will be there for them when they really need her. (This last mistake was the first time, she had failed to do so and it tears her up inside.)

    Tonks is very enthusiastic about many different things and very romantic. She has a child-like quality and likes to get others roped into that too. Fun is a feeling of satisfaction as opposed to just an activity; the feeling of being able to smile all the time and get others to smile. What’s fun is watching other people find out they can really do something they otherwise never thought of themselves as capable of doing.

    She is quite stubborn and gets very annoyed when people jump her for not doing things their way, but she often doesn’t defend herself because she fears losing control. (Fears becoming like her Aunt Bellatrix.) She’d rather be in control when she talks to them about the situation. They don’t know what effect they’re having and it tears her up inside. It makes her crazy if she is in conflict with someone who wants to walk away and she needs to engage with them until they work it out. She needs contact-emotional, intellectual, just words-for fun and connection. Hasty decisions based on deeply felt values may boil over with unpredictable results.

    Parents? Andromeda (Black) and Ted Tonks
    Siblings? None.
    Family dynamics-- Tonks has always maintained a good relationship with her parents, although she utterly detested the name Nymphadora of which her mother cursed her with. So instead her parents called her Dora, when she refused to answer to Nymphadora. She took after her father, preferring a little disorder and mess to fanatical cleanliness. Her desire to be open to the moment tends to outweighs her need to be organized. So, she was her father’s child. She had a lot of problems with her mother, going through the typical teenage mischief stage and even upon being an adult still had many arguments with Andromeda. But in the end she loves her parents.

    Occupation: Auror!
    Residence: A newly acquired studio apartment in Ottery St. Catchpole, not far from the Burrow.
    Financial Status: Comfortable. An auror pays well, but she still has to save up for anything really nice. Though she usually sees something she wants and just lets it go, knowing she doesn’t need it.

    History from student days at Hogwarts to the present time:
    As a child, she was 'into everything.' Her natural curiosity resulted in her getting into trouble often and a lack of “proper” authoritative respect. She often spent long periods of time devising new and original --- but not necessarily practical --- languages, plays, and scenarios. She loved playacting and dreaming and general mischief. She still does. By the time she was old enough to walk, she’d morphed for the first time to scare the pet cat. Her parents were astonished at her new found ability and taught her the dangers and upside of this talent.

    She looked up to her cousin Sirius since she was small. He was the only one who truly paid her any mind that was a blood relation. And even though she was so young, she found friends in Sirius and the rest of the marauders when they came around. It killed her when Sirius was put away in Azkaban and she was severely confused on why he would do such at thing.

    While at Hogwarts Tonks would spend any spare second changing her appearance for the bemusement of her fellow students. This often got her in trouble. Despite all of that she managed to maintain good grades; being briefly considered for prefect though her lack of control made that an impossible dream. It was then that she decided to go for being an Auror, then she’d have the ability to do as she pleased and make a difference in people’s lives.

    Undergoing three years of Auror training under the tutelage of Alastor Moody, Tonks' natural metamorphic abilities allowed her to easily pass the Concealment and Disguise portion of the training. However, her utter clumsiness made it hard to pass the Stealth and Tracking portion of the course. She often came home bruised from falling or toppling something over onto her. But it wasn’t long until she qualified as a full Auror, though (in 1994).

    With the return of Lord Voldemort, Tonks was one of the few Ministry employees to be convinced of the truth, joining the reconstituted Order of the Phoenix and worked as a covert operative inside the Ministry, feeding the Order with information. She found close friends in the Weasley’s and the Trio; acting as a big sister to everyone. Often changing her appearance to have long red hair when she was around Ginny. She always looked to Molly Weasley as an older sister or secondary mother. Always wanting to help with the cleaning and baking. (Even though she was absolute no good at either of those sorts of spells.)

    She was thrilled that Harry brought down Voldemort once and for all. And felt honoured that good finally won out; only good things could happen now. As far as Snape murdering Dumbledore, she firmly believes that had Dumbledore not wanted that to happen, he'd have put a stop to it. With her nature being so hopeful, she never held it against Snape; she even understands, to an extent, how horrible it must've been to do something like that.

    When it came to Lucius Malfoy's pardon and her Aunt’s release, she thinks the government went bonkers. Bellatrix deserves to be surround by dementors at all times and locked up out of the reach of any living thing. And Lucius, though granted more sane, is just as terrible as her Aunt was. She’s vowed never to even glance at his book. She doesn’t care to read the lies and twists of event.
    She was elated at Lupin getting his job back, and Severus for that matter, and shows that the world was starting to heal itself.
    The Registry, she understands the reasoning behind it, but she sees it as an infringement of the citizen’s lives. She cares mostly about the fact that Werewolves are required to wear collars and aren’t even given the chance like some of the Deatheaters/DE supporters.

    Tonks felt incredibly guilty for her actions towards Remus during his tragedy. So much so that the Ministry insisted she take a leave of absence for several months. She was having a hard time doing much of anything and was becoming a liability. So Tonks took her holiday in the states, so that she’d be as far away from everyone she knew as possible. While away she made tons of friends and tried to forget about everything back home, but it seemed everywhere she went she’d see a red-headed man or a picture of a wolf. Things like going to the zoo torn her apart inside, no matter how much she wanted to see the animals.

    She just came back after hearing the news of the election for new minister and who was running. A friend at the Ministry has been keeping in touch; the only one she talked with from back home.

    (History can be edited to fit the in-game past events better. But my browser crashes every time I tried to look at the threads.)

    What plots would you like to pursue with this character? What short and long-term goals does the character have for his/her future? I’d like her to try and get back in the good graces of Lupin and Severus. (Though she hasn’t come to complete terms with the pairing, but is more excepting than she was.) Also, whatever Ministry plots that need to be hatched she’d love to participate in. Oh! And help Arthur become the Minister!

    Once you start playing the game and get a feel for your fellow players and characters, assuming the interaction is favourable, how long could you anticipate staying with this character and this game? What is your usual pattern of longevity in role-playing games? Very long!

    What is your usual pattern of availability and play-time for a character and game which you enjoy? >_> Obviously all the time.

    Now that we've got a sense of your characterization, this is where you get to really showcase your writing style! Give us everything you've got! Remember--this sample must be a 'fresh' sample relevant to our game and the current setting.

    Sample Journal Entry:
    Hellllloooooo EVERYONE! I’m back home from the states! If anyone would like to go out to the pub, I’m so in.
    My time in the States was fun, of course, but as someone once said… There’s no place like home!

    [Hexed private]
    I’ve finally returned to Britain. It feels like forever ago that I left, but now is the time for a major overhaul in my life. Enough running away from the problems I caused and beg forgiveness from my friends. They matter the most to me and I need this.
    But yes, CHANGE! I’m good at that.
    Back to work though, so much as gone on since I left! I hope there’s not a lot of paper wor…[ink blot]

    Ow… damn chair… always getting in my way when I’m trying to write and walk. I swear I can do it!

    Sample Third Person Writing:
    Tonks was all too happy to be home again. Her first stop was to visit her parents. She had sent them an owl once a month since she left. But hey she had made herself busy and needed to get away from it all! She did dearly miss everyone though. It had been far too long. Taking her broom out, she flew over to the little house she once called home. The ride was quick for she had found a flat within a five minute flight. The wind on her face, her long trench coat flapped behind her. Flying was amazingly free.
    She smiled as she walked up to the backdoor. Looking through the window, she saw a cozy fire blazing in the fireplace and her parents cuddling on the couch. She hadn’t told them she was coming, it was to be a surprise. A huge dog was curled up on the floor, peacefully snoozing away. She knocked softly. Immediately the large spotted dog lunged at toward the door, barking as if he had known she was there all along. A mischievous grin crossed Tonks’ face, a pig noise now crinkling above the smile.
    From the other side of the door, she heard her mother shouting at the dog to go lay down to no avail. Upon opening the door her mother jumped back as her eyes first focused on the pig nose and then recognizing the dark twinkling eyes above them.

    “Dora!” She yelled as she flung her arms around Tonks.

    “Hi mum.” Tonks nose shortened to a normal nose and her hair gradually turned from a dark brown that mimicked her mothers to a bright purple.

    As Andromeda stepped back, Tonks saw her father get up from the couch a huge grin gracing his face, but before her father could get to Tonks to give her a hug the dog lunged at Tonks and tackled her to the soft garden bed beside the door. Tonks laughed as she scratched the dog, pulling his ears down from the point they came up to. Ted pulled the dog back by it’s collar.

    “It seems Zevi is happy to see you,” he said calmly with tears in his eyes.

    “Hey dad. Mum. I’m home.”

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