OK, so this is the first time I've gone and posted an entire meta on the comm, but I didn't want to have some discussion on my LJ and some here, I'd rather have it all in one spot, so here it is. :D
I think too much, but it's really fun for me... )
Comments 24
I've thought about this issue before, reading fanfics. I do agree with you that the effects of Somnacin can't be similar for every single person, but I'm pretty set on the fact that there must be at least one side-effect that affects every user ( ... )
Ah, but that's not Chris Nolan's logic. That is what Chris Nolan has Cobb saying, and, as we learned in the movie, Cobb is not always the most reliable, trustworthy guy in the world.
I can easily see him take the thought 'Mal and I can no longer dream without Somnacin', and extrapolate it out to a general warning of 'after awhile it becomes the only way you can dream'.
(The man has an ego. He cavalierly risked the lives of five other people so that his kids could grow up in his care, instead of in the care of loving grandparents. [YMMV]*g*)
Yusuf: Tell him, Mr. Cobb.
Cobb: After a while it becomes the only way you can dream.
So it's not just Cobb claiming this. It appears that at the very least Yusuf also believes this, and since they've never met each other before this scene that would suggest that it's a common opinion.
But it also seems obvious that there are multiple types of compounds that can be used for shared dreaming, so it might be possible that one could be developed that removes that side effect.
I like it when details are picked apart. Now i want to see them *used in fic*!!
Go! Go!
I think pretty much anything involved with sleep might be side effects: more vivid natural dreams, narcolepsy, insomnia, etc.
Inception-related, I can see a few things happening to the chronic Somnacin-user:
Weirdly enough, your telepathy headcanon actually explains something in a fic of mine. It's tied in with a crossover series, so there's a telepathic character who only went under once or twice, and refused to do so again, because it messed with her. I never knew why, and you just sort of told me. o_o
The telepathy is the ONLY THING I can think of that makes Somnacin make anything like sense. But yay for making your fic make sense! And yeah, if someone was a telepath/empath before taking Somnacin? GAH. Yeah, i can see it really messing them up in a whole new host of ways. I guess if we assume that it is canon that such things exist, that could be a whole new range of "side effects".
Thinking too much about this kind of thing is never bad.
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