FAQ and Submission Guidelines

Aug 22, 2010 01:33

Please read the entire FAQ before commenting to the newsletter to familiarize yourself with how we run things here, when to comment, and what you need to do to get your fanwork included.

Please do not leave comments regarding the newsletter on an editor or a mod's personal LJ.

What do I need to do to get linked in an edition?

If you've created something that relates to the movie Inception, we would be happy to link it as long as it falls within the following guidelines:

Fan Fiction:
  • Your fic MUST include a title, rating, and pairing OR the statement of an absence of a pairing ("gen" or "no pairing"). We will NOT link to fic without these three things. The rating must be one found in the MPAA rating guide (G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17) for ease of linking and because they're the most widely understood. We also accept the rating of "adult".
  • Posting your fic to a specific pairing community, an RPF (Real Person Fiction) community, or a gen community doesn’t exclude the fic from requiring an indication of pairing/no pairing because sometimes fic gets crossposted mistakenly. We will refuse to link your fic without those three requirements, no ifs, ands, or buts. So please spell it out for us.
  • We remove everything down to the base URL, including #cutids and reply links. This leads readers directly to the header of a fic so they're aware what they're about to read, in case there are warnings or information we don't include in the newsletter, or they've clicked the wrong link mistakenly. This is to cover our butts and also to make the reader responsible for what they're clicking.
  • To that end, the header for a fic must be in the same post as the fic. If you make a post with headers in a community, and link to the fic in your personal journal, the header must also be in your personal journal. We will not link to a post that links to your fic, and we require some form of header on fic posts, so make sure you post the header on your LJ as well as in communities.
  • We welcome fic of all lengths, but ask that if you want drabbles (fics of 100 words exactly) and shorter fic linked, you put more than one in an entry. Each entry must have a minimum of 300 words of fic in order to be linked.
  • We will not be linking any threads from the kink meme, completed or otherwise. If you want your completed kink meme fics linked in the newsletter, you need to post them to your own LJ or to a community.
  • Our policy on linking WIPs: All parts of incomplete WIPs will be listed in our "In Progress" section. When the last part is posted and it's now completed fic, it will appear under the "Completed" section in its proper category (Het, Slash, Gen, etc.), unless you fail to link previous parts in your header (or somewhere else in the post), in which case it will appear in the "In Progress" section. Here's why: If a new reader can click on that last part in the newsletter and find links to all previous sections, we treat it as a completed fic, regardless of whether we've linked previous parts or not. If there are no links to previous parts and a reader would have to go hunting through your LJ to find old parts, it's treated as a WIP, even if there are no parts to be posted in the future. So, make sure you link to previous parts somewhere in your post!

  • Any icons and fanart with a pairing, or anything explicit, must be labeled so we can list it properly for the newsletter readers.
  • The more information you can give us, the easier you make our job.

  • Covers fandom contributions created in any media other than fanart, fanfic, fanvids, etc. Can include anything from podfics (which fall under the qualifications that regular fic requires), to fanmixes, original songs, etc. As with fanart, if there is a pairing or anything explicit within the work, please label appropriately.
  • Again, more information is always welcome and greatly appreciated.

I posted something a few months ago that I'm just crossposting to communities now. Will you link me?

Sorry, no. We do not link to older contributions because we aim to stay current with fandom and because there’s a chance the items were already linked when they were originally posted. We also try to only link to something once within the newsletter.

I have something I want linked on another journal site like Dreamwidth, InsaneJournal, JournalFen, or AO3. How do I get it linked?

We are an LJ-based newsletter, and while we will link to things on other sites, we won't go looking for them. If you have something you'd like linked that you haven't already crossposted to a community that we follow (see inception_watch's profile for more information), please post a link in the comments of the most recent newsletter post, send us the link through delicious to inceptiondaily, or send us the link in an email to inceptiondaily@gmail.com with the subject line "Newsletter Submission".

Are there any other guidelines?

Why, yes, there are!

When you crosspost links please link to the actual journal entry and not your whole journal/community/month/day/tag/etc. If we have to look for your contribution, even if it's only a couple of entries down in your journal, we won't link it, because this delays our coding.

If you're posting a completed multi-part fic (or one that takes up multiple LJ posts), please interlink the parts. If we can't get to part two from part one, we will not link your fic. This does not apply to WIPs that we've been linking, but it is a good practice to make sure your readers have links to previous parts somewhere in your most recent part.

I followed your guidelines and you still skipped me!

Although we try our best to gather links to everything fandom-related, we are only human and will sometimes miss things. If that happens, please let us know! Either comment on the latest newsletter post, send us a link through delicious.com to inceptiondaily, or send an email with subject line "Newsletter Submission" to: inceptiondaily@gmail.com.

Please note that the final decision about including any submission is made by the editors and/or mods.

You linked one of my posts that I didn't want linked! How do I get it removed?

If one of your posts ends up linked in the newsletter and you would prefer that it were removed, please comment on the relevant newsletter issue or email us at inceptiondaily@gmail.com to ask for its removal, and we'll delete it as soon as we can.

If you would prefer that a public post of yours be left off the newsletter, please make sure you include that at the top of the post, for example "Do not link in newsletters" or "Do not link in inceptiondaily."

FAQ borrowed heavily from spnnewsletter

.mod post

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