[Issun has been wandering the halls in a half-daze longer than he remembers, first from the shock and pain of the burn and losing his barcode, then from lack of food, and then lack of sleep. Not being able to sleep did quite a number on him, and when he finally is able to sleep it's in the middle of some hallway somewhere.]
[The lights are failing, but he can see enough to know where he is and to see a familiar body lying a little ways away.]
[He runs to the body, ignoring the fact that he's no longer disoriented or in pain, and recoils at the sight. His grandfather's fingers are gone along with most of his face. Issun retches violently and backs away into something fluffy and cold. When he turns around all the lights go out, leaving him in pitch blackness.]
Wh-what the heck's goin' on?! This isn't funny! [Feels around the fluffy thing, gradually realising what it is.] Ammy? Heh-heh, it's you right? What're you doing just lying around, furball? We gotta get outta here!
[He jumps up onto Ammy's back--it's all sticky and wet and she's not moving at all.] ...C'mon, this ain't funny.
You were a terrible envoy.
[Issun turns to look towards his grandfather's voice and nearly falls off Ammy's back.]
Couldn't even help her. Always knew you didn't have it in you.
Shut up!
Always knew you were a failure.
Dammit old man, I am no--
[A growl sounds from behind him and he turns to see a large, golden eye glaring at him in a fox's face before jaws suddenly clamp down around him]