This is a little Harry Potter based questionnaire, built around The Deathly Hallows book and film :D I couldn't resist...
The Elder Wand
1. What would you do with the elder wand?
I'd use it, for sure! :D What would be the point of having it, if you weren't going to use it?!
2. If you had the elder wand in your possession, what measures would you take to ensure it wasn't stolen from you?
I wouldn't be obvious about the fact that I had it - I'd just pretend that it was the wand I'd always have. And I'd keep my original wand, in case of emergencies. And for sentimental value.
3. How do you think the outcome of DH would have been altered if Harry had found the elder wand before Voldemort did?
Well... I think Harry would have died :/ If Harry had found the wand before Voldemort (assuming he'd actually broken into Dumbledore's toom), he still wouldn't have been the master of the Elder Wand... And it would only make sense that as soon as Voldemort found out that Harry had it, he would take it as a threat and find Harry immediately. However, Harry wouldn't have been able to defeat Voldemort's greeting of "Avada Kedavra!" with an "Expelliarmus!". Voldemort himself says that if you're not the master of the Elder Wand, it onlr performs for you your usual magic, and the Elder Wand doesn't have Harry's dual core to save him. Bye-bye Harry.
4. What immediately went through your mind when you discovered who RAB was?
5. Which duel between which characters in the final battle was your favourite to read?
It's not really much of a duel, but probably the scene between Snape and Voldemort in the Shrieking Shack. At this point, I think everyone had prettymuch figured out Snape was a good guy. I cried when I read this scene. It was so well written, because you could tell what was going to happen, and there wasn't a damn thing you could do about it.
6. What did you think of Harry defeating Voldemort?
I was happy when I read it the first time, because it was CLOSURE. I love it when a book has good closure. But when I look back, it was awful :L "Neither can live while the other survives." (Quote from memory... correct me if I'm wrong... But surely that should mean that they SHOULD both die?) But of course, JKR could never do that... "That's right children, then the poor orphan who had to put up with shit for his whole life was killed by the bad guy." It just doesn't sell, does it?
7. How many times have you read DH?
Once, through and through... it definitely wasn't my favourite book by a long shot. I'm not a massive fan of the trio, and it might sound stupid, but there was too much of them. There's only so much of ONLY Harry, Ron and Hermione a person can put up with.
8. What did you do in honour of the release of DH?
I staring out the window for about an hour waiting for the postman to arrive, and then I called my friend as soon as I got my copy, described the cover to her, and then sat and READ. xD It was amazing.
The Resurrection Stone
1. If you had the resurrection stone, which character from the series would you bring back?
SIRIUS. No question. Not because of any plot-related reasons, because I do think that he was an AWFUL influence on Harry, and probably not a particularly nice man, but just because I love him. The fangirl in me would have liked to put him in a nice cottage somewhere with Remus.
2. Which of the hallows do you think is the most powerful and why?
I think the stone. It has the most powerful over people's emotions, I think, and to hold power over people's emotions is definitely a dangerous and controlling thing to have. After all, who could NOT think of at least one person that they'd bring back from death if they could? Your loved ones, you'd never have to be seperated from them again.
3. What is the one thing you'd change about DH?
I would change the epilogue. Or just not have one. I don't think it adds anything to the story, other than the possiblity for JRK to write a new series of stories if she wants to. It just ties everything off into a nice, fairytale ending, which I think clashes with the gritty realism of the rest of the story. I also would have let Remus and Tonks live, just because I love them.
4. Which character's death was most devastating to you?
Snape's, without a doubt. I cried throughout the whole of The Prince's Tale. It just struck me that it wasn't fair. Because people who might deserve the happiest of ending don't get them. And for Snape, there wasn't even a happy ending waiting for him anyway.
5. Which is your favorite Death Eater to hate above all?
I hate Alecto and Amycus, because they're so boring. They're just generic, 'badguy' characters. There's no backstory to them, they don't play a big part in the story, like Lucius or Bellatrix. They're just completely underdeveloped. Their presence irritates me.
6. Which character do you think has developed the most throughout the series?
Harry, obviously, because it's his story - he has to be the one who grows up, becomes a man, and saves the world. But parallel to this, Neville. I think this story could be about either of them really - they both start off as insecure about their magic, who they really are, and end up as heroes. It makes me interested to know if JRK wrote it to be that way.
7. How did you feel about the series officially ending?
I'm a bit sad - it was a massive part of my childhood, getting so excited about the books coming out. But the stories are still a big part of my life, and I guess I'm lucky Harry Potter has such a big fandom to sustain me xD But on the other hand, it was nice to see the ending end to cleanly. JKR obviously knew what was going to happen from the beginning.
8. How do you feel about the DH movie being split into two parts?
I'm looking forward to them... I think it'll be nice to make the experience last a bit longer, and hopefully they'll be able to make it more true to the books. But in the end, it's all just a giant spin for money.
The Invisibility Cloak
1. What would you do with the Invisibility Cloak?
I don't know... I think I'd do things like stalk celebrities xD I must be super-sad like that. Like... 'A Day in the Life of' to see what people got up to. My number one person to see would be Benedict Cumberbatch, my current obsession >:D But if I ever saw him, I'd have a total fangirl moment. And I'd do things like break into libraries at night, and read all the books I wanted to, without having to buy them.
02. How did you react when you found out Harry was a descendant of the Peverells?
I never really thought anything of it... apart from 'Oh, that's a bit cliche.' I don't think it adds or subtracts anything particularly to the story either way.
3. If you were in the Deathly Hallows movie, what character would you play and why?
I'd love to play Bellatrix. Helena Bonham-Carter is LEGEND, and I'd love to do the whole being a bit insane thing. I think it would be interesting to try and put my own spin on Bellatrix - I think she still does have emotions. Failing that, Tonks, because I'm a massive Remus-fangirl.
4. What things from DH do you definitely want to be included in the movie?
Tonks/Remus played with some actual affection! (Although, to be honest, I don't think either of the actors would be my first choice to portray Remus or Tonks). And I want Snape to have a proper memory montage, please. I think it's obviously very, very important to the plot. And I just want to see baby Snape.
5. What did you think of Kreacher's change in personality once Harry started treating him with respect?
I wasn't convinced at first - whilst they were still living in Grimmauld Place - because I could never forgive Kreacher for betraying Sirius in that way. But by the time he was leading the house elves against Voldemort, I was won over. Like it was famously said, Kreacher is the new Dobby.
6. What was your first reaction upon reading the scene in which Ron and Hermione kiss during the battle?
I wasn't really convinced. Neither Hermione or Ron are my particular favourite characters, and I don't really thnk close friendships can turn into relationships that last that easily. But, when taken in the 'we could die at any moment' context, it's entirely understandable. If they didn't do it then, they never would.
7. Do you plan to see the DH movies multiple times? Why or why not?
I hope so - I'll go on the opening night, and then hopefully go with my parents or something. On the opening night I'm far too excited to really WATCH the film - normally, I like to try and critique the acting and what's being said, but I can't do that when it's the opening night :L
8. What do you plan to do in honour of the first DH movie's release?
I have my tickets at the ready >:D I should be going with a friend (and maybe some others), and we're hopefully doing to dress up and sing lots of songs from A Very Potter Musical and A Very Potter Sequel, which should be a laugh! 19th November, here I come!