Book 6, Chapter 1: The Paths That Your Eyes Wander Down

Sep 15, 2011 11:03

Title: The Paths That Your Eyes Wander Down
Authors: kiltsandlollies and escribo
Characters: Dominic/Billy
Word Count: 4241
Summary: Coffee, tea, and reconnection.
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction; the recognizable people in the story belong to themselves and have never performed the actions portrayed here. I do not know the actors nor am I associated with them in any way. If you are underage, please do not read this story. I am not making any profit from these stories, nor do I mean any harm.

The café just off campus is busier than usual at this time of day but Dominic doesn't mind. He's hidden himself at a table in the back, and the chatter of the fellow patrons is like white noise, better than the quiet of the library. He has the thick tome of a biology text open on the table as well as an out-of-date dictionary that doesn't have half the words he needs, his notebook, and a cup of cold coffee that's already been refilled twice. At some point in the last week, the term had gone from slightly hectic to insane, and Dominic felt like he was constantly trying to catch up. Despite essentially living in the same house with Billy, they hadn't seen much of each other except for rushed takeaway dinners before Dominic commandeered the table in front of the couch and much of the couch itself to study while Billy worked at his desk. It had been late--too late--before one or both tumbled into bed, too tired for more than the briefest brushes of lips and hands, the most scattered if well-meant fumblings. Dominic doesn't let himself think about it too hard, which is probably why he doesn't see Billy until Billy clears his throat, grinning broadly when Dominic finally looks up.

"May I join you?"

"Bil--Professor! How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough for the tea to steep, I think, but don't hold me to that; I haven't got a clue about tea." Billy nods at the table. "You looked busy. I didn't want to disturb you."

"Disturb me--please." Dominic slides his notebook and his pen inside his text and shuts the dictionary, shoving them off to the side to make room for the tray Billy's holding. When Billy sets it down, Dominic can see that Billy has tackled the menu in his usual style, walking away with a little bit of everything, and he laughs again before he makes a show of looking around him and beneath the table.

"Have you lost something, Dominic?"

"I'm looking for the small army you're trying to feed. Is some of this for me?"

"Absolutely." Billy sits down as if he owns the table, and stretches before he takes a drink of his coffee. "I also wasn't sure if you'd already eaten. The chicken's mine, Dom, but you're welcome to whatever else you want, and whatever you don't I can have them package up. I'm not interrupting you, am I?"

"No, of course not." Dominic chooses a sandwich and pulls it near, suddenly ravenous. He hadn't bothered with breakfast, running late to his first class, and he only just realizes he hadn't bothered with lunch, either. He tackles his sandwich, making his way through half of it before he remembers his manners and reaches for a napkin, too. Billy catches one as well, just before the short stack flies off the cluttered table.

"What were you working on, Dom?"

"I'm trying to catch up in biology. Professor Blanchett gave me this worksheet to help me out but I don't know what half the words mean. She promises it's basic stuff, but I don't know."

Billy grimaces in sympathy. "I wish I could help you. To a point, anyway. I'm not quite cut out for science, though, never have been. It's good that you're working on it, though; it's also lucky you have her. She's …" Billy pauses, and Dominic watches, fascinated, while he looks for the right words. "An excellent teacher. Dedicated."

"She is." Dominic nods quickly. "I'm really glad you helped me get in her class."

"I did nothing. You made your own case, and well, if I remember correctly."

"You had the idea, though; you knew her." Dominic shakes his head when Billy frowns slightly, then pushes forward. "It doesn't matter. I want to do well."

Billy tilts his head sharply. "Then you will."

"I wish it was easier, or that I liked it better."

"The world would be very boring if we didn't have to work a bit harder for some things, Dominic."

"I work hard for you."

"That you do."

Dominic dusts his hands off with his napkin, knowing that they're straying into dangerous territory. He can barely keep himself from reaching for Billy, touching him, especially when he catches Billy staring at his ink-stained hands, Billy's fingers tapping impatiently on the table next to his forgotten sandwich. Dominic drops his hand below the table just as another student walks by them on her way to the restrooms.

Billy's forehead furrows as he laughs, stabbing the lettuce in his salad with his fork. "There's a writer coming to campus, Dom; I don't know if they've mentioned it in your German class, but he's written poetry in German and English for twenty years, they say. You should go to his lecture. 'S just a one night thing, shouldn't interfere with … anything, and you might enjoy it. If you're not too busy."

"Are you going?"

"I might." Billy looks up from the rims of his glasses. "Writers sometimes have interesting things to say about us philosophers, yeah?"

"Sometimes they're even nice about it." Dominic nods. "And sometimes they give us something interesting to talk about."

"I bet," Billy murmurs before he nods over to yet another student, waving from across the room. "And your other classes, Dom? How are they going?"

"German's great. All caught up from ... I'm doing all right in there." Dominic's eyes wander around the cafe, seeing who was there, who might be noticing them. What had been so helpful before is now an annoyance--too many people, not nearly enough privacy. "S'busy. Philosophy is a bit of a problem, as always. Good thing I'm--" sleeping with the professor. Dominic catches himself before the rest of his joke slides out of his mouth. It catches him off guard, making him laugh, and he reaches for the rest of his cold, leftover coffee to mask it. Once he's regained control, he meets Billy's eyes again, a more placid smile plastered on his face. "Studying. Good thing I'm studying."

After a few more bites, Dominic brushes his mouth with his napkin and picks up his coffee again. Seeing it empty, he sets it down but slides his fingers idly over the cardboard cup, considering. He wishes they were alone. Actually, he wishes they didn't have to be alone to say the things he wants to say--to flirt. "I did have a question for you, professor. About something I didn't understand in lecture."

"I don't half remember what I say in lecture, Dom, not once I've left the notes behind, so no surprise if I didn't make myself clear." Billy leans forward, and Dominic knows that to anyone watching, he looks all the concerned professor, nothing more. "Dom, here, have some tea. Or the milk. 'S better for you than the coffee." Billy almost props his chin in his hand as he watches Dominic, but does not, instead tenting his fingers in front of his face, hiding his grin. "So, go on. Hit me with your question."

Dominic reaches for the small pot of tea, pouring it and then some of the milk into his empty coffee cup. Beneath the table, his knee touches Billy's and he leans into the touch a bit, just to be able to feel that tiny bit of heat, and smiles when he feels Billy do the same.

"You were talking about the nature of love again today, and mentioned briefly Aristotle's view of one soul, two bodies." Pressing his knee a bit harder into Billy's, Dominic unconsciously leans forward. He stirs his milk and tea using his pinky finger before drawing it into his mouth, sucking on his finger to clean it off before crumpling his napkin into his hands. He doesn't dare meet Billy's eyes now but knows he has Billy's complete attention by the way he's gone still in his seat. "Your thoughts seem very different from those you had at the beginning of the term. I was wondering if you were leaning more towards Aristotle now."

The corners of Billy's lips twitch upward into a smile, but there's only enough difference between it and one Billy might throw anyone else that Dominic would notice. "You've retained more than you think, Dominic. I was touching on something there that I don't usually in the class you're taking. My work's been in educational philosophy for the most part, you know that. I've always tried to leave the warmer stuff to the colder professors, d'you understand what I mean?" Billy frowns and reaches down to play with the corner of his napkin. "I'm afraid I don't have a handle on most of, well, let's call it love as virtue, and I'd rather students learn it from someone more detached, I suppose."

Dominic looks up, meeting Billy's eyes, an argument on his tongue that withers away when Billy shakes his head slightly, staving him off. Billy shifts his leg so it presses against the inside of Dominic's knee, leaning forward even more to keep Dominic's gaze, and for a moment, Dominic can't breathe.

"But if you really want to know what I'm thinking, Dom, I can tell you this. Aristotle believes that the only friendship that matters-the only deep, abiding friendship everyone should want, one that society hopes for and depends on as a core relationship between human beings, yeah?-is one in which both parties love each other for exactly who they are, what they are. They don't use one another for mere pleasure or company." Billy drops his hand to the table and brushes it quickly over Dominic's, nearing his wrist beneath the fabric of one Billy's own old shirts, worn and soft now and pilfered from the back of Billy's closets. The touch sends sparks up Dominic's body, but then Billy retreats, his fingers returning to his napkin. "There's respect, Dom. Respect and love, both unconditional. And that friendship makes both parties stronger in the end, bound by something they've found in each other's character that draws them in and keeps them there."

Billy's earnest expression fades a little as he winds down, and a slow smile creeps across his face in its place. He is pressed as forward as he can be over the table without actually leaving his seat, and Dominic can feel the warmth between them like a comforting wave.

"All of that, Dom, leads to the creation of a single soul. It's love, it's friendship, it's everything perfect that society wants and yet sometimes cannot understand. Or want to understand, really. It's an ideal. But it's not an unreachable ideal. Does that make any sense?"

"It does," Dom whispers and then clears his throat, embarrassed. "It does. Thank you for explaining it more clearly."

Billy's smile goes wider, and he tilts his head, amused by Dominic's reaction, but not maliciously, Dominic can tell; he could easily be playing just the professor here again, albeit one of the kinder Dominic's ever had. "Anytime, Mr. Monaghan. You're more aware than most that my door is always open."

"I'm very glad to be hearing these things from you, Professor Boyd," Dominic says quietly. "Learning about love. There's a lot to be said for a little attachment, and I don't know--I don't think anyone else would be able to really teach me what you meant there."

"We're meant to teach each other-" Billy murmurs, then looks away, a sudden flush creeping over his face now. Dominic takes that as a small victory, knowing that for all his own blushes and chance-taking, he's better at keeping this conversation steady than Billy is, and Billy knows it, too. Billy looks up again as he laughs and Dominic can't help but laugh with him. "So let's see you bring me a few hundred words to confirm you've understood what I meant, hmm? No particular deadline other than what you can establish for yourself. The parts of my soul I would sell to be able to speak German, Dom. I'd tell you a lot more."

Billy sips at his coffee, more slowly this time, then continues the demolition of his lunch while Dominic watches. Dominic feels … good, happier than he has in several days--rejuvenated, and suddenly anxious to be outside, where he thinks he might be able to write those few hundred words in the air, given the chance. Billy senses Dominic's restlessness and taps Dominic's wrist lightly, bringing him back down to earth.

"Is yours good, Dom? I've never had that one here. Eat."

"It's fine. Good," Dominic answers, though he picks at the remainder of the sandwich. Billy peers around the café, then leans in again, smiling once more.

"So tell me what else you thought of what we discussed in your class this morning, hmm? Tell the old professor what marks he missed. Or give me gossip. I'm completely starved of it."

Dominic shifts in his chair, combing his fingers through his hair. "Class? It was great, as usual, everyone adores you, you know that."

"Oh, adores, right, absolutely. Nonsense." Billy's not meeting Dominic's eyes, though, smirking down at his plate with an expression Dominic's rarely seen from him, one that makes him laugh.

"They do. They don't always get you, but they love you." Dominic shrugs, still laughing. "I don't always get you. They like that you challenge them. Even the ones who say they don't really do." Dominic goes back to being a student with a crush, thinking about how animated Billy can be during his lectures--about how he likes to include everyone in the discussion afterward. Leaving Billy's classroom earlier today, Dominic had been surrounded by other students, herded out by his friends, and hadn't had time to … to what, he didn't know. He'd wanted to say something then to Billy--he'd believed Billy's rambling lecture had been mostly for his benefit, something to bridge the work-heavy gap that had developed between them over the course of the week, but couldn't say anything.

His thoughts go back to the young girl who'd sat beside him, who had come up to him afterwards and hung on his arm. They'd walked across campus towards the residence halls talking about the lecture, her eyes bright. He'd known that she'd felt it too--that their professor had been speaking from the heart. Dominic smiles up at Billy now, remembering her expression and how she had laughed. "I think Sindrine might have a crush."

Billy coughs around his swallow of coffee and then smiles from behind the cup. "On you? Yes, perhaps, Dom. I saw her-saw you-in the hall before you left. She's ... enthusiastic. And smart." Billy leans down a little, his voice going low and conspiratorial and his grin widening. "In my professional capacity as your advisor, I'd advise you to tell her you're spoken for. And if you're not taking the piss, and she does have an eye on me, well. You tell her I don't sleep with my students. That way lies madness." Billy smirks, then leans back again and stretches, pausing to frown at his empty plate. "D'you want anything else? It'll be a long time before I get home, and-" Billy stops himself, his expression shocked and pale. The words had come out a bit too loudly, and now Billy searches Dominic's eyes frantically, needing the help. "And I'm still. Hungry. But, ah, it can wait. I can wait."

Dominic piles their empty plates and cups onto the tray, standing up in a flurry of motion to cover Billy's embarrassment. "Let me take these up to the counter and get you some more coffee to take back, Professor."

Dominic walks to the counter leaving Billy alone to recover. Asking for a refill to go for Billy, Dominic digs into his pocket and pulls out just enough for the extra coffee and a small bag of biscuits. Thanking the cashier, he walks back over to a much calmer Billy and sets his coffee and bag down.

"I'm meeting a couple kids from class for a study session." Kneeling, Dominic gathers his books and shoves them into his bag. Shouldering it, he sits back on the edge of his chair, looking at Billy expectantly. "Do you mind if I walk back with you?"

"No. No, not at all. Please do," Billy smiles, his expression placid now as he stands and makes for the door. "I think I could sit here for half the day if y'let me, but I wouldn't want to make you late for something a lot more important than listening to me."

Billy holds the door open for Dominic, and follows him into the weak sunlight. They walk at a good clip back to the campus, against the chill in the air, and Billy shoves his hands in his pockets and kicks at pebbles on the pavement before he speaks.

"I'll make sure you get that back, Dom," he says softly. "I don't know what happened in there. I just ... relaxed." Billy sighs and looks to his side, at Dominic staring straight ahead. "This is fucking hard sometimes. I know it's worse for you. But it was good, too, wasn't it? Just talking, just … bloody existing somewhere other than inside our own four walls. Eight if you count my office." Billy looks back up and continues to walk for a moment, and hesitating words of reassurance are on the tip of Dominic's tongue when he's drawn up short by Billy blocking his way, stopping their movement short and obviously not caring for the moment who will see or hear.

"In case it's not obvious, I'm losing my mind a little, Dom. D'you want to catch a film this week? Not at home. At the cinema in the city. If you've not got a lot of work to do."

Dominic cocks his head and smiles, charmed but not really surprised. "Are you asking me out on a date, Billy Boyd?"

"Don't take the piss, Dom," Billy huffs, his face twisting in a mix of amusement and discomfort. "And, yes, it sounds like I am. Don't make me ask twice, either, or I'll choose the movie and you'll end up suffering through some arty Russian treatment of Medea or something." Billy lowers his voice and clenches his fists in his pockets, clearly forcing himself not to place his hands on Dominic-somewhere, anywhere. "This is where you accept, or I go home and write you bad poetry."

"Wouldn't be fair to make you do that when you've already seen all mine." Dominic knows his smile's gone cheeky, as he looks around him on the the street, trying to decide if he dares kiss Billy. He decides against it in the end, but focuses on Billy's lips for long enough that the good professor should know exactly what's on his mind.

"I'd love to. But since you didn't have to ask twice, then it has to be something with a lot of action and at least as high a body count as Terminator. Not that that'll bother you. You can also buy me a drink while we're out. Have t'make you work for it, and tha." Dominic jams his hands into his pockets and begins walking backwards away from Billy slowly, his jeans riding low on his hips, laughing when Billy rolls his eyes.

"You know me a little too well, I think," Billy sighs, catching up to him and nodding before Dominic turns back around to walk properly beside him. "Fantastic. Get you properly fed and watered, sit you down for a film, and then if you're lucky I'll take advantage of whatever you've got left. And I saw that, by the way. Your greedy little mouth, Dominic. Get clear-if I'm sitting through a crap film in a cinema when I could do that just as happily and a lot less cheaply on my own couch, then I get to use that mouth any way I like when we get home." Dominic blinks and turns to see Billy smiling serenely at Dominic now, his strength a little restored. "I can see your skin, Dominic," Billy murmurs from the side of his mouth. "Above your jeans. There's a lot I could do that no one but you would see, and you'd feel that for the rest of the day, wouldn't you? Same as I'm going to have to think about what you would have done for me a minute ago."

Dominic tilts his head and laughs. "Conceded," he murmurs, as pleased when it comes from his lips as Billy seems to be to hear it.

"I've missed you," Billy says then, low and plain and carefully, never breaking his stride. "I've never been jealous of a book before, but I think that biology text and I are going to come to blows before the end of the week, whatever your desire to make another professor just as pleased with you as I am. A film's a safer option than throwing it into the fire, I think."

Dominic laughs again, hitching up his shirt a touch and moving his hand across his flat stomach mostly unconsciously. "I think so, yeah. I'll make it worth your while--"

"Oh, be clear there, too. You will."

Dominic pretends not to have heard Billy, focusing on his continued tease rather than the sudden thrilled heaviness he feels inside from Billy's mild threat. "In fact, I think there's a new Jason Statham film out. I'll look up the times and let you know."

Billy bursts out laughing, then, the thin cackle of satisfaction and pleasure that's uniquely Billy's, and his hands fly from his pockets, instinctively almost-reaching to either cuff Dominic about the head or drag him closer. Dominic watches the considerable effort Billy makes to do neither of these things, and wonders what more it would take for Billy to break his character here. Before he can overthink it, Billy sighs and takes a step closer.

"You're a jammy bastard, Dom," Billy says. "And you're going to pay for this, I promise you. But Statham it is. Things exploding and abuse of the English language. Who could ask for anything more." Billy continues walking, his stride slowing as he nears the humanities buildings. "You'll let me know. It's a damn shame you have that study session, Dom," he says, softly but still with a broad smile. "There are things you could be teaching me."

Dominic slows his pace as well, not wanting this little time they've had together to end. "I'd skive off, except this professor ..." he leans in very close, lowering his voice. "I've got reason to impress him, see. I've heard this one does sleep with his students, and I'm in with a pretty fucking good chance. He's also notorious for his exams."

"So I've heard." Billy's smirk is thinner than it had been in the café, but even more appealing to Dominic, who laughs before Billy raises his eyebrows and continues. "Notorious and adored and feared and possibly insane. Try not to corrupt the rest of your group with what you know about that professor, hmm? He'd hate to return the favour. Some things--" Billy stops them at the edge of the steps in front of the building, and his eyes burn into Dominic's while his smile remains merely warm. "Are too perfect to be shared. Diluted by their exposure to the environment."

Billy sighs, looking up at the fading sunlight for a moment before his gaze returns to Dominic. "Du mache mich verrückt, Dominic," he says, quickly and quietly. "Und ich liebe dich für es. Get yourself gone."

Dominic grins widely, surprised again even as he processes Billy's imperfect attempts at German. "Not a soul, Billy. I won't tell a soul."

He takes a few steps backwards, still looking at Billy but wanting to do a lot more. It takes a firm nod from Billy and all the promise in it to make Dominic force himself to turn around, raising his hand in goodbye before he takes off at a run, across the grounds and in the direction of a safer and more narrow focus for his study.
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