A world built for speed

Apr 10, 2008 11:07

Okay, let's start off with the basics as to where and when and what is goin' on in the Speed Universe. For the sake of not being Jossed by the movie (since ideally I want to incorporate movie/tv show canon) These are the basics.

When/Where does the speed racer film (the primary source of icons) Take place?
Timewise, the movie takes place in the distant future with a year not given. (A'la grindhouse, said information will be bleeped out.) Location wise, it takes place in various exotic places around the world with the primary location being the United States and various locals within it's borders.

Speed, Rex, and Spritle's Father Pops works for Mifune Racing Organization. He originally used to work for the Wachowski Design and Development Corp (Don't you love the meta?). Prior to that (in his youth, he's in his late fifties) Pops was a wrestler.

Why's racing such a big deal?

With the collapse of the American Dollar numerous major corporations sold off their assets to other countries. Rather then rise out of the recession they entered in late 2009, the American Economy continued to fail selling lands and products to foreign investors. Coca Cola is brewed in India.

One of the biggest sales was that of NASCAR to the formula 1 racing circuit. Thanks to a top-notch marketing team, they turned a failing sport originally believed to be oriented only for rednecks into a dynamo sport. Baseball and Football have in fact fallen to the history books with only a few competing teams. It's all about wrestling (America's contribution) Soccer (Football-the European Style), and Racing (America/European Contributions)

Just who the hell is Racer X?

Racer X is Rex Racer (Racer X-Rex, get it? It's funny right?) Also known as the Masked Racer. Technically he is the top driver in the world, the most experienced and the most able. Speed may be the fastest, but both he (and his father-Rex's father, Pops Racer) Admit that Racer X is the best.

He's won the Grand Prix every time he's entered and travelled most of the world competing. He is very wealthy, having supplemented his winnings with his income as an agent of INTERPOL

Wait, wait-what the hell does Speed Racer have to do with Interpol?

In the series Rex doubles as an Agent for an International Police Organization based (ironically) in Paris. Since that's a comic continuity, we're going to pretend that Paris translates to Europe and therefore Interpol. In this particular universe the world of organized sport is a major profit vehicle for numerous countries and corporations. Racer X is basically both a glorified Official and a Police Officer, he keeps the games running smoothly and arrests the criminals involved in fixing them.

One of the reasons why he's not a full agent (and why as far as his superiors are concerned he never will be) is because ninety percent of the time he plays to win. He argues that this is to maintain his cover but between that and keeping an eye on his younger brother (this is a recent development) he's kind of a jerk.

Actually, he's a pretty big jerk. Rex does not relate to people well. He knows this however and makes every effort to avoid it. He likes people, he just doesn't like to talk to them. This is why he never gives out press interviews and is never seen in public (at least while at a race) without his trademark mask and costume.

Okay. We have a guy who thinks he's a masked superhero...

Sad isn't it?

But what's his deal? why the poorly relating to people?

Once upon a time there was a kid named Rex Racer who had a mother and father who he loved very much. His father was probably the best father that any little boy could ask for-he designed race cars and he built some of the fastest cars for Mifune Motors-Japan's premiere automotive dealership. When he decided to persue racing, he taught his young son all that he had learned and knew.

One day Rex's mother gave birth to a second son-Speed-so named because her water broke during the Mach 4 winning a race. Rex was 12 at the time and he loved his baby brother very much, but he loved racing and being the favorite of the family even more.

So when Rex was eighteen he decided to enter a big race called the "Crucible". He'd proven that he was technologically skilled-a prodigy as far as the racing world was concerned. His parents expressed misgivings but Rex was focused on staying in the spotlight-and keeping his baby brother impressed.

Rex got cocky, Rex got stupid, and Rex Lost.

And the Mach 4 lost. It was totaled. They had to pull him from the wreckage. Trying frantically to apologize, he made the mistake of telling his father that he'd do better next time.

"Next time?" Mr. Racer Screeched, "There isn't going to be a next time!"

Faced with being shunted out of the limelight and loosing the respect (seemingly) of his family, Rex ran away from home as soon as he was strong enough vowing to return and prove his father wrong by becoming the world champion racer. He travelled far, learning from the pros in the sport and even being allowed into the mysterious South American Country Kapetapek where he learned from the greatest racer in the sport, "Kabalah".

He learned control, he learned how to be safe, and he learned (most importantly) How to loose. Rex can loose-he doesn't do it well. It takes something major happening or his brother being involved to give him a reason to loose-however ungracefully)

world built for speed, basic facts

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