"You can Google it. (I did.)" - Edward Cullen

Oct 18, 2009 11:07

Joe: I'm working while watching the movie so I don't get bored.

Joe's Friend: But then you might miss the part where they stare silently at each other, then awkwardly look away!

you can google it. i did., public

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Comments 5

tea_rose October 19 2009, 04:08:59 UTC
Huh. The funny thing about what Joe's friend said is that I said the exact same thing to my sister who likes to work while watching the telly. Creepy coincidence!


tea_rose October 19 2009, 04:09:40 UTC
Well, almost the same thing. Still creepy!


incoh October 19 2009, 17:57:19 UTC
Great minds think alike XD


nekodakara October 23 2009, 09:43:31 UTC
Hello. *is still alive*

...>_< It's been such a long time since I've tried to use the internet (Aim/email aside) to communicate, that I don't know what else to say.

How are things?


incoh October 23 2009, 18:17:27 UTC
Eh, they're going. Working and keeping house and clinging to sanity.

How are you?


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