I'm always thinking about writing a sims story but it seems I always give up or just forget about it. I've had many ideas for a story and even though they aren't that similar to each other I've noticed one and only similarity to all of my ideas; something supernatural. That might be something to start with.
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Comments 4
I'm always wanting to start a story, but the thing is... I'm just no good at writing! Haha, I also have too many challenges on my shoulders so adding a suckish story to that wouldn't be very wise. :P
I do hope you give it a try, :) I mean, it's your game and it lets you learn about creative writing-- whether or not it lasts! ;)
I'm not good at writing either! I have so many issues with english not being my first language! I'm so afraid my sentences are all messed up! But I'm still going to try. A couple of years ago I didn't understand english as well as I do now and I couldn't even write well but I learned much after I created a writing blog and read others as well. I learned from my own mistakes. Writing a sims story should be much more easier to me 'cause there's the visual side to it all.
I also have many things on my shoulders, though most of them are irl. But I'm going to try and see if I can manage to start a story and even stick with it for a long time! I have a tendency to start projects and never finish them. Let's hope this time things are different! :)
You've done VERY well, I even thought your first language was english until you told me! :P You've certainly done a lot, and I mean a lot, better than those whose primary language IS english. Seriously. ;)
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