Ah, work is back to normal. lol

Mar 11, 2005 23:03

A staff member told the autistic girl he'd bring her a "finger brace" yesterday and didn't pull through (she cant have one, so it shouldnt have been mentioned in the first place) which caused her to be in a whiney mood all day. I had to bring her to her room to calm down during academics because she kept crying "I need finger plaaaaastic".

She settled down in about 20 minutes, and then the nurse had to check her legs because she had been picking at them a couple weeks ago. She then became focused on the cuts on her leg and wanting tape (she has a thing for tape, the same as plastic), and started picking at them later that night. I took her out to the quiet room (my first time that I had to take her, le sigh.) and bandaged up her leg (it was gushing blood and she has Hep B, so we can't worry about reinforcing neg beh with the tape--it's a "pick your battles" situation with her). Another staff member came out to join us because she usually becomes aggressive (mostly to herself, but she'll lunge at staff and jack em up too) in the QR. Basically she just cried while I was bandaging her up, saying "I hate taaaaape" (she loves it). I talked with her (the other staff was outside the door, just incase) for about 5 minutes after I bandaged her up, and she became rational again. Well, rational for her, I guess (How can you help me not want to rip this tape off?). I nodded that the other staff member could go back inside, and me and her (the girl) would eat dinner outside because she is supposed to stay out there at least 30 min and it was almost dinner time. It turned out that dinner was late so we got to eat inside afterall. I'm happy to report that she didn't even THREATEN to hit me, no less hit me! Booya! I'm still negative on the jacked up scale! She wasn't my partner tonight, but I think she wasn't having a great day today either. I hope she pulls it together because her mom is considering taking her home for a week.

Speaking of me not being her partner tonight... I thought it very odd when I looked at the partner board and saw my name was next to one of our higher functioning boys names. That almost never happens, especially on nights I come in at 6. I'm almost always with one of the girls, I knew something was up. Apparently the boy I was with today was very close to going to JAIL today at school (he lives here due to drug/behavior problems, but goes to a regular Highschool for classes), and was pissed off and cussing the staff here at the program off all day, and I guess they needed a break. lol He's actually a really good kid, and I wanted to strangle him when I heard what happened. I guess he "jokingly" threatened to shoot up the school when he got back from spring break, and he was called to the office, violated dress code, and had tobacco (snuff) in his pocket. He's been suspended from school, and now has to go to an alternative school program. He and I have a pretty good raport so he wanted to talk to me about what happened. I explained to him that my personal feelings aside, legally speaking he CANT say and do things like that if he wants to be taken as credible by the courts, get out of the program (he's almost 18), etc. He knows what he did was stupid, and Im sure he wishes he could go back and change things, but I think he really fucked himself over this time.

He told me he wanted to call his mom and I sort of raised my eyebrows at him. He and his mom dont have that great of a relationship, and phone calls are earned here, anyway. The supervisor was so mad at him that I didn't see that happening. I made a deal with him, though, being the trouble maker than i am. lol I told him if he did his physical and ocupational therapy, and took a shower (he's refused to do all 3, for the past few days), I'd try to convince the supervisor to let him call his Mom. She wasn't happy about it, but she finally OK'd the call. I told him that if he caused any trouble with his Mom, I would never stick my neck out for him like that again, so they had a pretty good phone call, with the exception of me glaring at him (I had to monitor the call) when he refered to the police men as "fuckin pigs". He quickly changed his term to "cops". lol Later he had to do some laundry, and he's usually allowed to go alone, but the supervisor said he needed to be "monitored" (followed like a lost puppy) tonight because of what happened in school. Honestly it was silly, and he wasn't going to do anything stupid, but I obeyed her wishes. I told her that she realizes if anyone else went out there and told him he had to be followed theyd get socked in the face, and she responded, "Thats why you are going". I'm offically the angry-boy pawn apparently. lol Luckilly I went out there and talked with him, and he never realized he was being followed.

It was actually a really odd experience talking to him out there. Out of the blue he says, "I just dont get one thing. If theres a God up there, why did He save me from the accident (he was hit by oncoming traffic on a skateboard)?"

I was sort of put on the spot because this boy is VERY cynical. His mom is a Christian, I believe, but he's always bashed Christianity with a passion. He and I just put our religious differences aside (he always playfully teased me about my star of David w/ the cross in it; "You killed jeeeeeesuuuuus") and got along well, but he was the last person I'd ever expect to ask me a question pertaining to God. I asked him if I "could be corny for a second--not that I can help it anyway", to sort of ease the tension of the question. He laughed and said "yeah", and I told him that I know he is going to do something special and that it seems like the situation he is in now is permanent, but it's not. I told him that I wished I had a concrete answer for him, but life doesn't work that way. I told him that he will definitely figure out his purpose in time, and not to give up. It may not look good written, but I think my answer actually got through to him. It was a nice reminder that you never really know what people are thinking, or whats in their hearts. You can't judge it by their words or actions all the time.

Oh, and thats not all, folks. While I was talking with my partner in the living room, apparently my homie G friend got caught smoking a ciggarette outside (how he got it, I dont know). He was pissed off (that he got caught) and had to be restrained by 3 staff members in the QR. The supervisor watched the autistic boy, and I kind of took over watch of Canada, and the autistic girl (and my partner) while the situation was dealt with outside. It definitely wasn't a boring night.

In other news... I totally nailed my NonTrad. Fam. test I had today. I know I got at least a 90, probably closer to 100. I literally studied minutes before class, too. The test is IDENTICAL to the notes. It's such a joke, but I'm not complaining!

THANK GOD FOR SPRING BREAK!!!!!!!!!!! One more 12 hour day of work, and I have sun and a REAL monday off (no school). I think I'm going to try to get my hair and eyebrows done, and get an oil change on monday, so I'll only have to worry about work (and sleep!!!!) the rest of the week. I have a bad feeling that I'll be staying back at the program for most of the spring break festivities since at least 3 of our guys messed up and lost their town privelidges. I'm not even sure if our autistic girl is going to be well-behaved enough for a home-visit so I'll probably be with her if shes here. I'm just praying the other girl doesnt screw up because I do NOT want to be her partner all week, while she flips out about not being able to go anywhere.

Ok enough babbling. Really.

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