Title: Three Cold Fingers On My Elbow
Author: Me.
Pairing: PoynterJones
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I owe nothing 'cept for the plot.
Warning(s): Slash
Oh, and just a warning, all my fics are un-beta'd. I don't even know what a beta is.
*cue horrified gasps from fandom*
His hands were abnormally large. )
Comments 4
I loved Harry in this. (Usually he's an ass)
I kinda remember reading this, but I didn't remember the ending. Are they together? Or what? :( I'm so confused.
And no, they don't end up together. Sorry if I ended kind of ambiguously. Danny remains straight and Dougie's, well, Dougie.
Sad, innit?
(Not sure if you care, but you change tenses near the end, and I wasn't sure if you'd noticed. The last few scenes are in present tense when the rest of the fic is in the past. Just thought I'd point it out.)
And the change of tenses is purely intentional, I assure you.
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