Begin rant.
I think that it is sometimes unfair how every little thing does not get noticed. How could it, though? How could we go through life if we noticed everything? Every spec of lint on the floor, every stain on the kitchen counter, every freckle, every imperfection - we could never do this and stay sane.
I think that it’s sometimes unfair how every little thing that goes noticed can be pushed away. Why do people tend to do this only when it works to their advantage? I don’t understand this about people. How can you ignore the facts just because they are detrimental to your view? I try to think of how this can make sense to people, but I always fail. Maybe it’s one of those human characteristics we don’t like to admit we have.
Sometimes I get tired of wondering “why” all the time. I so rarely actually find an answer. Why did so-and-so do this? Why is this-and-that this way? Sometimes I just get too frustrated and can’t handle it, and then I remember why I always have to ask why. If I went through life never questioning, never trying to find the answer, then I believe I would not be as satisfied with who I am. I always have to challenge what I think and what other people think. My mother used to tell me to switch shampoos often or I’d get buildup in my hair. I asked why and she said, “That’s just the way it is”. I find out later (when I have the internet and can try to find real answers to these types of things) that this isn’t true unless you use a bad conditioner that leaves residue. This is why I try to find the answers instead of just assuming that other people are right or that I am right. Misunderstandings rarely end well.
This is where the “why” comes in. I don’t understand why people jump to conclusions without thinking for two seconds that they might be wrong. The first answer that pops into their head must be right - it has to be. How nonsensical is that? Why not wait to pass judgment until you ask why? Wanting something to be the case is not justification for it being so, so why wish for it? Why not find out for sure, or at least try to discover something definitive before assuming that you know what’s going on? Who knows, you might be right. Wouldn’t it make it so much better if you challenge what you think and in the end you see that you were right all along?
This is why my parents were always mad at me. I couldn’t take “no”, “I don’t know”, or “Just because” for an answer - and I never will.
I think that there is a rational answer for everything that happens. To a lot of people that is a controversial statement, so we’ll put it aside. I think that there is a rational explanation for everything that people do. If someone goes on a shooting spree in their office and kills all their coworkers I believe that his/her actions are completely irrational, but that does not mean that there is not something rational to explain said actions. Look for that rationality before you make your decisions. At least try. Please.
End rant.