Lazy Saturday Afternoon

Aug 07, 2010 17:21

Click the link to read about what's going on today in my little spot in the world.

Paul and I are playing Scrabble. There are carnitas slow cooking on the stove. A home made tres leches cake is on the agenda for tonight. Life seems so wonderful today. If only it could be like this everyday, right?

My apartment is actually pretty nicely decorated, and will only get better when we finally cash in that $150 Pier 1 gift card! Today's weather is a bit glum, but the crape myrtle trees still show a brilliant pink flower and the grass is still green. Even my little Lupins outside are still hanging in there! Paul calls them "Little Witch Hats" like the sorting hat from Harry Potter. Here is a picture of them. They are relaxing outside on my balcony.

This week was kind of crazy at work. The first 2 days were ok. Then Wednesday came and things started to slide down hill. It seems like the customers were getting more and more angry and agitated. Then that rubs off on me because I absorb all of the aggression because I take every thing personally. I wish I could say I'm one of those people who are like ducks and let it all roll off of my back but I am not. I never was.

So, Thursday comes around and I must've woke up on the wrong side of the bed or something because it seemed like everything was just not working in my favor that morning. I over slept and kept dropping the soap in the shower (which really frustrated the shit out of me). Speaking of shit, I don't ever take a crap when I first wake up because I haven't ever been able to. It usually has to be like an hour after I wake up. It's just weird but it it is what it is. When I get to work I usually go to the crapper before I actually start working because by then I'm ready to "go" per say. But, being that I was super late and arriving at 8:58 AM that morning I did not get to go. So, I'm grouchy. Hungry. Still trying to fully "Wake Up" I sit down and the computer is turned off. I normally re-start it when I leave at night so the next morning all I have to do is log on to Windows and the system has already been rebooted and everything from the day before. Well, no such luck. So, I have to wait... and wait... Finally all of the system files loaded and then I log in. By this time it's 4 minutes after I'm logged into the phone and I'm officially tardy.

Then I actually take the first call of the day. It's an older white man (which is the worst kind of customer to have) that is just so fucking PISSED off because my company called him because he didn't pay his bill on time. And, apparently with someone like him who has a credit score of 5,899 points he would never, and I mean NEVER be late on a bill and how dare we call him up with a "Fucking" attitude asking him for some money. "You know, if you paid your fucking bill on time mother fucker we wouldn't be having this conversation today" I was thinking. But, I can't say that, only think it as I continue to let him be as condescending as a human being can possibly be to me because that is my job. So, 9 minutes into his call, after he's asked me the most ridiculous rhetorical questions ever I finally start leaning into him because I know that quality control will not be listening to this call (because it is too long of a call and they won't bother with it) I start sighing and verbally *rolling my eyes* at him. I'm surprised he didn't want to speak with the CEO of the company to let Him know that He was just so insulted and appalled that we would accuse him of not paying his bills on time and treating him like he was "A common criminal" and "Urban garbage that doesn't ever pay their bills and instead spend money on 'tires and drugs'."

So, I got him OFF the phone by being a smart ass to him. He hung up on me. So, 2 seconds later another call comes in and it's this bitch on the phone telling me that her bill is wrong because it's too high. What? "Shut the fuck up you cheap ass bitch" is all I'm thinking. People, just because you can't afford something doesn't mean it is wrong, or bad. Blame yourself and stop trying to get something for nothing. This is electricity, cut and dry industry. You use it, you pay for it. There are no data charges that you can lie your way out of, or be an asshole and have "Apology credits" added to your bill. We bought it for you and you have to pay for it.

Anyway, all fucking day it was the same kind of bull-shit. I had kind of a nervous break-down at about 3:00 PM because I just couldn't take it anymore. I asked my supervisor if I could go home because I was having an anxiety attack and she kindly explained to me that I've left early too many times already and if I left it "Wouldn't be in your best interest." So, I stood there, yelled at and talked down to for 3 more hours. I get home and everything just seemed to keep going wrong. I think the universe was just off for me that day. Yesterday came and it was "Ok." I played Sim City and ate some pecan sandies and some milk. I watched Good Will Hunting and about 2 episodes of the Dave Chappell show. It was a great evening!

Finally we arrive to today. I slept in until noon. I had a great, restful sleep and a killer breakfast. Now, the carnitas are cooked and even though, lost Scrabble by over 100 points I'm ok with it. I'm getting dressed because we're bringing the carnitas to my parent's house for dinner. I truly feel great today. If I were my Sim I would have a good mood meter today. I would have an extra +5 points for a nicely decorated space. Here are a few pictures I took last night of the apartment. What do y'all think?

Anyway, I'm going now. Have a great weekend!

city life

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