I've been entertained by
Fandom Wank wiki. What I've learned? It's quite the freakish fanworld out there.
I thought I was really part of the Alias fandom, back in the day (before that, I was only fringe members of the X-Files and Buffy fandoms). Some crazy stuff went down on the AllAlias forums... or so I thought. I mean, things went down and I would classify those things as crazy.
Actually, I'm going through the ghost town that has become AllAlias now, looking for those drama-filled threads. Let me see here...
Jo- An Angel in Disguise - When Jo's friend decided to play a joke on the board and say that Jo was killed in a car accident.
Heck, bye bye! - When Natalie "reveals" that she is "dieing." What should have tipped us off - she couldn't even spell "dying" correctly. But then, magic! She has a 50% chance of living, not 29% chance, and she bucks the odds and lives!
Bad News, about Natalie - When Natalie gets taken away from her parents because they were abusing her. Then she goes into a coma. And then is in and out of the coma. And then she dies. But wait! It's all a hoax, as proven by a thread in another board. Someone - not Natalie, of course - played a mean joke on us all! But when we go to tear him a new one, Natalie defends him and threatens to leave the board. Then she gets mad when someone brings up her abusive parents.
Appology from Natalie/Alias56 - Natalie chronicles her lies for us and makes a formal "appology." I do believe this is after Natalie's mom finds out what she's been saying and takes the internet away from her. And thus ensues a mixture of "I forgive you!! Don't go!!!" and "you lied way too may times."
Ally - Ally's brother dies in a car accident, and then Ally takes a bunch of sleeping pills to calm down and overdoses. Lots of "NOOO ALLY STAY WITH US" and "WHY IS GOD SO MEAN?!?!?!!111" Then "clap your hands, save Tinkerbell!" Then the news comes out that she's fractured her back and had surgery on her brain. Oh, and she got her stomach pumped. And then she's out of her coma but has to be in the hospital for a month. There is much rejoicing throughout the land. But wait. Then she has to go into heart surgery and she only has a 50/50 chance. Never fear, she made it through the surgery! What a rough month it was for Ally - earlier, her house had been broken into! (Sadly, I cannot find the thread for that one.) And then... the shit hits the fans.
this is goodbye forever, i'm done with life - KikiCourt commits pseuicide. Forum members somehow contact her school principal... except it's not her school principal. It's confusing and 52 pages long and I don't want to read it. But there are two follow up threads that she somehow makes, even though her dad took away her computer, and one follow up thread posted by an admin.
And then there was the war. I don't even remember what started the war but I kind of remember the players, and KikiCourt was one of them - I remember her especially because she was always full of *sobs* and *cries* and saying that she was going to leave (and never actually doing it). Oh, the drama...
Help me you guys!" - Yeah, this one confuses me too. But I think this had something to do with it.
Everyone Leaving the Problems...Moriel has been bannedHELLO LET'S STOP LEAVING - and because we like to beat subjects to death, here is more on the whole mass departure from AllAlias. (Hey Suzi, you make a guest appearance on this one!)
And yet.
This is all NOTHING compared to the stuff reported on Fandom Wank. The Alias fandom was very tame compared to Harry Potter or LOTR, apparently (I won't even get started on the anime fandom...).
Anyways, I'm going back to reading old AllAlias threads. I'm so amused by them.