character relationships.
Tiny icons from
Famfamfam. Code for the chart is
Like. He enjoys your company for whatever reason, although his behaviour towards you might not be much different.
Neutral. He can tolerate you, although you might annoy him at times and there may be some mild dislike there.
Strong dislike. He would really rather not associate with you at all, and he might just leave Sebastian to deal with you.
He's wary or cautious of you. Something about you has his attention.
He thinks you might be useful, and will keep you close. He would manipulate or use you in some way.
You know at least one secret of his, whether it be his Faustian contract, his past or his goals.
He considers you important to him, either as a playing piece or a connection.
sebastian michaelis.
"I wonder if it bothers you so much that I might have a connection outside of my pure and perfect devotion to you."
Sebastian/Idiot/Bastard/Demon/You. Ciel's butler and his demon, the two share a contract that puts Sebastian in Ciel's control until the day comes when the demon can devour his master's soul. Sebastian doesn't hold much emotional value to Ciel, but he's the only company he allows himself to keep, and he's also Ciel's most important playing piece in his plans. Without him, Ciel would be little more than a powerless, struggling child.
alexia tarabotti.
"The right dessert makes any kind of suffering worth while in the end."
Miss Tarabotti. A woman without a soul who is capable of nullifying the powers of the supernatural with a touch. She's kind and harmless, and even if she were an enemy, she wouldn't be much of a threat, so Ciel isn't concerned about her; he'll be keeping an eye on her interactions with Sebastian, though, and is cautious of her ability. She also knows about his contract with Sebastian, so if he thinks she'll let it slip, he'll deal with her. He has no qualms with blackmail. He can't see much value in her right now, so she's just an insignificant acquaintance.
willow rosenberg.
"Wow. I'm just plain old Willow Rosenberg."
Willow. Kind to a fault and eager to please, Ciel has found that she's quite easy to manipulate; he hasn't had to resort to acting or lying yet and she's already his best source of information on the community so far (aside from Sebastian, of course). He has no plans for her or any such things, but he's sure she'll be a useful acquaintance for information, a future technology resource and good to call in for favours. It also seems that she's capable of magic to some extent, which could be useful to him.
arthur kirkland [england].
"In that case you're less childish than some of my former PMs."
England. His country. At the moment, Ciel finds him fairly easy to get along with, and it's really something else to be talking to your country, but for the moment their interactions are just basic manners and some degree of respect from Ciel. He won't make many exceptions for England in his usual behaviour towards people - perhaps his politeness will stretch on a little longer at most - and he won't bow down to England the same way he does to the Queen. He has pledged to take Queen Victoria's orders; he couldn't care less about serving England, and this version is on another world in a different time. He's just another stranger, to Ciel.
gilbert beilschmidt [prussia].
"Both, in a sense. I'm the AWESOME Kingdom of Prussia."
Prussia. He seems a little obnoxious, but not too bad so far. At the moment, Ciel still holds that basic level of respect he's decided to give to any personifications of nations he meets, but he'll throw it aside without care if he finds that Prussia is just an annoying person.
gellert grindelwald.
"Don't you have a will of your own?"
Gellert. The boy seems polite enough at first, but he has a disregard for authority that puts Ciel on-edge and irritates him somewhat; it's only that indifference towards order that makes him come off as childish, however, and other than that he seems mature and tolerable enough. Ciel is going to try not to hold arguments with him over such serious matters, if only because he doesn't want the annoyance of having enemies on the community, but he's not particularly fond of Gellert.
chibiusa tsukino.
"You're still as grumpy as ever."
Miss Tsukino. A young girl that knew a previous "version" of him, but Ciel doesn't particularly care about it. She doesn't seem to know anything about him personally, but he's wary when interacting with her just in case. Right now, she's just another person that has no importance to him, and she's obviously just a child, but he'll uphold manners and pleasantries until she manages to actually irritate him. At the moment, she's boring but tolerable.
fire lord zuko.
"Oh, I'm completely deprived of manners, unless I happen to respect who I'm talking to."
Zuko. An irritable young man, and Ciel doesn't really care about his lack of manners - it's just something that's fun to pick at because he seems to be easily ruffled. He doesn't sound like he'll be of any particular use at the moment, but it never hurts to have friends in high places; Ciel won't go out of his way to be friendly and accommodating unless he decides he really needs that connection, but he's not against the idea of Zuko becoming a regular acquaintance. Ciel has suffered through much more annoying associates in much lower positions, so he can handle it.