Mar 16, 2005 17:02
so hows everyone doing today I'm doing good thanks for asking. yep been quite a while but i have some important news i got my licsence so now im one of the cool kids. also i cant spell liscence yep. goo' day
Mar 02, 2005 17:05
life oh life its a big surprise that its so. hspa test are pure bullshit. but Mel will past by 4 points on the math part. And i shall pass the lit part by 1 point just like i did last year. sorry for the inconvineince but i must kill your mother
Feb 28, 2005 21:45
shimpatogwamorty the frightening beast of all your nightmares.
oh yes everything in life is way to overrated
Feb 24, 2005 23:04
hello my name is Eric Kane i like long walks on the beach candle lit dinners fine china and free style rapping. if you and i have all the smae intresting how bout we go have some fun in the back room. have some biscuts and tea and maybe a game of twister.
later days with a z
Feb 15, 2005 18:00
so heres an update life been pretty chill lately benn kinda playing a game nonstop when not in school except for right now. rome total war bitches. really good game. nothing to say about school karneval was today it pretty much was jsut about pizza and eat other assorted foods.
ps. 6 lbs of pinapples are so very cool
Feb 11, 2005 19:21
i'll stab you bitch like a fucking tornado
life is okay now
Feb 08, 2005 21:25
if life gives you lemons, cut the lemons in half, and squeeze them in life's eyes. That'll show life to give you lemons!
Feb 07, 2005 19:49
hello journal. life has been pretty dull lately fencing been okay i dont think im going to do it next year something about it just doesnt feel right for me. school has been okay nothing bad or good to say. dont see a reason to continue writing.
Feb 03, 2005 21:23
so the past week has been pretty harsh been sick all of it but no need to worry i figured out what was wrong and it isnt Virual! its a massive bacterial infection!!!!!!!!! but no need to worry i'll be in tip top shape soon. nothing uber important to mention. good day
Jan 30, 2005 20:55
Tonight may all your dreams come true I know sometimes it's lonely while you're sleeping, Well it's lonely for me too. It's alright just know that while I'm sleeping That I'm dreaming of you We always have the stars to wish upon from where I'm at, And where you are.
ps. i have finally reached nearly 6 gb of music on my computer