I'm very proud to say that
independence_or is now an award-winning icon journal! Unfortunately there has been a lack of posts since the first of the year, but in fact I've been quite busy working on more graphics, many of which were entered into icon contests (icontests). I would like to take this time to share the icons that have placed so far and in which icontests; right now there is just a handful, but as time goes on I'll be able to add more to their numbers along with sharing icons made only for this journal, not just for icontests. I actually do have enough icons aside from those I am sharing today for a full icon post, which I hope to put up within a few days.
3rd placedream_contestWeek 32: Blue
Winner100x100iconplusContest #4: Valentine's icon contest
2nd place
Tied for 3rd
The previous two icons were entered in
Week 34: Yellow
1st place100x100beautyChallenge #7: Black and Blue
I received a nifty banner for the black, white and blue rose icon above :D
1st place
Tied for 2nd
The previous two icons were entered in
Challenge #8: Roses Of course, all of the icons posted above are up for grabs (except for the banner, hehe). The usual guidelines apply:
1. Please comment in this entry if taking
2. Definitely credit
independence_or when using
3. Enjoy the icons!
Thanks to everyone who has visited for your support; without your many kind words and comments, I never would have considered attempting to enter an icontest in the first place. Despite the infrequency of posts, I hope to do much more with this journal, including taking requests, making banners, perhaps even making and posting custom brush sets. Any suggestions are more than welcome, if there is anything that you may be looking for but seems to be lacking on LJ. One idea that has occurred to me is making guestbook banners or sets (banners + icons) for LJ'ers who use the Smooth Sailing layout; similar to a Friends Only banner, it could fill the empty space in the content area, thus making the Guestbook more visually appealing for those who utilize it and others who visit it. If you're someone who uses Smooth Sailing--which I understand to be a very popular layout--feel free to leave your input as to whether or not this would be something you would be interested in.
Thanks again for visiting