yoinked from
elfekoeniginRoom: Suite 9D [B]
Roommates: Flandre Scarlet
Arrival: July 25th, 2011
Collar: Silver
Death toll: 4 (not counting her numerous instant respawns in F3)
- Clothes
- Sunflower in a pot, yoinked from Yuuka
- Really bad drawing of Patchy done by Terezi
Looking out for/Wishlist:
- More tea
- Sheet music
- Right wing: giant red gash, almost ripped her wing in two when she got it.
- Burn scars/a nasty-looking sunburn over all visible areas of skin.
- Stomach: gashes going up and down her entire front
- Physical tick: almost never turns her head; turns her whole body. Looks to be in pain when moving her head.
- Large letters carved into her back, between her wings, reading "USELESS"
Activity Check: