Pippi and the Grinch Make Plans
The next day came too early, but Pippi got up and ready for another day of work.
She didn't tell Indy that NT had been hurt, just that she'd had a rough night, and Pippi was tired from staying up so late.
Indy suggested she stay home and rest and be there for NT.
But Pippi said she and NT would be fine, not to worry about it. She then asked Indy if she knew this Darren or anything about him.
"No, I only know he liked my presentation last night, and that's from what Misery said.
"Well, I'll talk to Capri, maybe she was able to get some information about him. I'd really like to talk to him about what he did to NT last night."
"He's why she was so upset? what did he do?" Indy narrowed her eyes.
Pippi explained it.
Indy tcked. "I didn't think idiots were capable of appreciating my chain letter debunks, but I guess they come in all makes and models too."
"Oh Indianna." Pippi couldn't help laughing at her friend's sharp tongued wit.
They drove and chatted until they reached the station. "Well, have a good day, and I'll see you later." Pippi said, and dropped Indy off.
And there was a local car accident report on Indy's desk that morning, but with no names released. Only the assumed aproximate age of the victim who sustained minor injuries.
Misery only found out NT was in the hospital when she called Ariel at lunch.
Aside from that, the day went smoothly.
Pippi and Capri spent their time visiting NT and trying to find out about Darren, but got nowhere. Capri said she'd have to resort to magic if they couldn't locate him within the next couple of days.
Pippi arrived to pick up Indy after work, and together they went to the Whoots.
There were warm, cheery lights in the windows. The main front window blind was pulled aside and the christmas tree loomed large in its center, twinkling with soft lights.
The outside was done with a modest amount of lights- nothing garish. They liked to keep it modest and low-keyed.
"Oh my, what a lovely sight." said Pippi. "Christmas has got to be the prettiest time of the year."
"Yes!" Indy agreed enthusiastically.
She opened the front door and went in. "Hey, can you stay a while?" she asked her friend.
"Oh, I don't know, Indy, I should be getting home. But thanks for the invite."
Just then Serena came out carrying a crock pot of something smelling irresistably tantalizing. "Oh, hi there, Pippi dear. Stay for dinner? We have way too much food on our hands."
"How can I resist that? Thank you, Serena, it smells delicious. And I could use some nourishment."
"Ah right!" Indy exulted, grinning.
Pippi followed Indianna inside, and the two women made themselves at home.
Now that Serena and William were engaged, William was over more and more, helping around the house, discussing about wedding plans. He helped set the table while Serena brought out everything for the meal.
Old Jim sat in the living room, smiling at their interaction, keeping silent, but marvelling at how well things had settled into synch with the doctor around.
Luna came in from out back, along with Artemas. She helped her mother set the table and her cousin went to get washed up for dinner.
When dinner was announced, Indy was the first to the table, first among those who had not already been in the kitchen, that is.
"Oh, mom, Grinchy is out back skulking around," Luna said when everyone was seated. "Do we have something for him?"
"In the kitchen, dear," Serena replied.
"Ugh," said Indy. "I'll never understand how anybody can like eating...that stuff."
"I don't understand it, either. But definitely, to each their own." said Pippi.
"That's your adopted brother, Indy-dear," Serena said sweetly. "He isn't a Who - "
" - he's a What," Luna finished, smiling. "I can relate. Oh, mom, he says he's got company tonight, so he'll be taking more than usual."
"Company?" asked Dr. Whocares. "I thought he didn't like company."
"More people that like garbage?" Indy asked.
Pippi raised her eyebrows, very curious.
"Heh, a kindred spirit, apparentely," Luna grunted. "someone else who hates Christmas. He must not be a Who."
"Hmmm, reminds me of somebody at Whobilation last night." said Pippi.
"Oh, yeah, that...Ahem." said Indy
"It's probably not him though," she added.
Luna rose to get the garbage from the kitchen. "Probably not...unless his name is Darren." She disappeared to get the Grinch's "meal."
She came back out whistling and went to open the back door.
"It is him!" Indy and Pippi exclaimed in unison.
Luna turned from the door, cocking her head in amusement at their outburst.
"Hot damn, he must've sought out the Grinch last night after upsetting NT about this Christmas thing." Indy said, putting her fork down.
"Well, they probably would agree on disliking Christmas, even if not for quite the same reason." said Pippi.
"Before I call Capri, I'd like to be sure this is the same Darren." said pippi.
"What are the chances of two people in the same town, with the same name and the same cruddy attitude?" Indy asked.
"I'm not sure. I'd like to find out. But..." Pippi shook her head. "The Grinch and I haven't been properly introduced."
"Not since the Factory...and that was not under the best circumstances," Luna agreed. "but then, there never is a best circumstance with him."
"Ugh." said Indy. "But that was just me, Pippi came later, when I was already in the hospital."
Luna opened the door. "Wanna come you two?"
"Are you sure about this? Grinch might not cooperate if I'm there." Pippi pondered.
"I'll go with you." Indy volunteered.
Pippi shrugged. "Give me a moment, Indy," she said, still pondering what to do next.
"Oh, come on, if Luna thinks it's okay, it is." Indy stood up, and tugged at Pippi's arm.
"Oh, all right, Indy Mae, my, but you're impatient." She grinned.
Indy grinned back.
"Just like her brother," Luna teased.
Indy laughed at Luna's remark.
She and Pippi went to the back door, and Indy stepped outside.
They walked deep into the forest, Luna carrying a lantern. She explained to them that the Grinch didn't want to be within sight of the Christmas lights on the house.
"What's up man?" Indy called out.
"Luna," whined the Grinch, jumping down suddenly from a tree next to her. "what's with the crowd? You *know* I don't like crowds!" he snorted at Indy.
Indy snorted back.
Luna didn't flinch at his sudden appearance. She had been used to him doing that since they were children.
"Hmmm, I told you, Indy," said Pippi, apprehensively. Turning to the Grinch, she offered, "I can leave if you like,"
"Aw man." Indy whined.
"They wanted to talk to you, bro." Luna eyed him sharply. "Behave yourself."
"Mr. Grinch," said Pippi, "I was just wondering if this - 'Darren' you've met is the same one who caused an upset at the Whobilation last night?"
He looked her up and down, yellow eyes burning with annoyance. "What's it to you if he is?"
"What's it to ya?" Indy mimmicked, rolling her eyes at the Grinch. "This is important, dammit."
Luna met Indy's gaze with a "he just has to be difficult - that's him" gaze.
Pippi's expression was much less peeved than Indy's had become. "Because that conflict resulted in a very special young friend of mine landing in the hospital." she explained calmly but firmly.
"Is there a reward for his capture," the Grinch asked.
"Yeah," said Indy, "All the garbage you can eat!"
Pippi gave Indy a nudge, warning her to keep cool. "I'll see what I can do about that, Mr. Grinch." she said.
"I already have all the garbage I can eat...sis," he said snidely. "but back to this friend of yours," his gaze returned to Pippi. "small, younger than she looks? Dark hair and eyes? Squirmy little thing?"
"Yeah, squirmy when you snare her in a trap," Luna sniped back at him.
"You caught NT in a trap, Mr. Grinch? Hmh, she didn't tell me about that." Pippi probed. "And yes, she is as you described."
"Didn't hurt her...she was interesting company," he told them. "we have a similar, shall we say, 'dark' side, but I don't like guys who hurt little kids," he said, his voice turning bitter. "I'm going to have to arrange something special for Mr. Darren - Christmas hater or not."
"With my blessing!" said Indy, her glare turning to an approving smile.
Luna shook her head, lost in what was going on, especially with Indy cheering him on. "He hurt NT?" she asked.
"Yes, terribly, Luna," pippi said gravely. "He hurt her so badly that she couldn't bring herself to talk to her own mother, or me about it. I'm guessing that's why she wandered off in the dead of night, and got caught...Then injured by that car later."
"Yeah, he should've gone to a professional counselor with his story instead of using it to break NT and try getting her to hate her own people." said Indy.
"Or hate herself." pippi added.
Luna frowned darkly at Pippi's account of how terribly NT was hurt.
"We're going to have to sit down and you explain this to me later," Luna agreed. "So, do you want to talk to this Darren, Pippi?"
"Yes. He needs to know the impact his badgering had on NT. Capri wants a word with him as well, but I'd have to call her and arrange something."
The Grinch put his furry hands on his hips. "Oh, let's just arrange to pop in on the Grinch at his lair, shall we?" he said sourly. "without even being invited - "
"Grinchy - " Luna warned.
"Oh, please!" Indy started to be annoyed again.
"I was thinking more of you stopping by my house, mr. Grinch," Pippi said with a grin.
Indy snickered.
"Do you have all those sickly cute and pretty, glowy lights strung up all over the place," he asked, baring his teeth.
Pippi's face fell, recalling what Luna said about that. "Oh, drat. I guess that won't work either."
"you could always stop by the hospital and have him apologize to NT in person," Indy sniped.
"Hospitals - ugh!" sniffed the Grinch. "hate them. How about we meet at my summer home? The Factory!"
"Very well, I'll just need to prepare." said Pippi.
"No!" Luna said a little more forcefully than she meant to. "Been there, done that....NO."
"Ewww! Count me out!" said Indy.
"We are not going back there," Luna said, eyeing the Grinch with her own baeful stare. "It is too polluted."
"No, Pippi, it's too far away, and I don't want you getting sick."
"Well," Pippi shrugged. Then something occurred to her. "Actually, I'm surprised you wouldn't want to meet at the hospital, Mr. Grinch...I mean, I am sure Darren would HATE apologizing to NT...but if you don't want to make him do something he would hate..."
Luna hid a small smile. Pippi was getting the idea of how to handle her brother, after all.
The Mean One put a hand to his chin, thinking about it. "He would hate that...would he," he said aloud, looking at Indy.
Indy shrugged. "Uh, yeah, I guess he would. He's arrogant enough."
"Done," he agreed sharply, grabbing the bag of garbage from Luna. "Name your time to meet."
Indy looked at pippi questioningly.
"I have an idea. Let's meet at the hospital tomorrow morning, 8 o'clock."
"Wait a sec, how are you two going to get him to apologize if he's such a jerk," Indy asked them.
"He was very impressed with you, Indy. If we use that to our advantage and set it up so he thinks he'll get to see you working on a special medical report, in person...We can hit him with the details once we have him there."
"Oooohhhh, you are slick!" Indy grinned.
Pippi returned the grin. "That means we need you at the hospital with your camera, as if you were reporting a breaking story."
"Gotcha, I'm in!"
"Good!" Pippi smiled. "Mr. Grinch, since you know Indy, all you need to do is pass on a message to Darren, letting him know that Indy was so pleased with his reaction to her speech at Whobilation, that she has personally invited him to accompany her on her assignment..."
Hashing It Out
The next morning was overcast and chilly. It was the kind of day that makes people wish they could just stay in bed.
Despite this, Indy dragged herself out of bed, and was ready when Pippi came for her early appointment at the hospital.
Pippi had let NT know the night before that they were going to bring Darren back and make him face the damage his actions caused.
She was up early, and too anxious to eat much.
Misery had come to the hospital as well, to offer a supportive and stabilizing presence if anybody was likely to lose it too badly.
Ariel and Capri waited in NT's room for the others to come.
Darren was feeling excited, this was his chance to watch Indianna Mae in action, and talk to her one on one. He had no idea what her real intentions and those of the others were.
He greeted Indy with a smile and a handshake.
She returned it cordially enough, but said that sometimes her job as a reporter wasn't always as fun as people might think. "I get butterflies in here, reminds me of the time I was a patient." she told him.
"Oh, yeah! That was when Airhead Marilee reported you as dead." Darren said.
"Yes," Indy shuddered. "I did narrowly escape dying, but hearing that on the news...Well Darren," Indy saw a chance to steer the conversation in the right direction, "It messed me up big time for a while. Sometimes the wrong information getting to the wrong person is as dangerous as a loaded weapon."
She began to move down the hall, "It happens more often than people realize, with terrible consequences. I'm doing an interview with a patient here, who received some terrible news that sent her over the edge. It's part of the segment on stress, what it does, how to reduce it, etc."
She didn't miss a beat as she continued down toward NT's room, smiling, trying not to betray herself to him.
Finally they reached the room.
"Okay, Darren, this is it. Let's go in, I'm expected inside at any moment now."
She knocked on the door, "KWHO." she identified herself.
"Come in." someone answered from inside.
Indy opened the door and motioned Darren in.
He saw the patient lying in the bed, and his eyes became as big as saucers. "Haven't I seen - her before?"
NT closed her eyes and looked painfully away.
Indy shut the door behind them.
"We think so," replied Misery quietly.
"Her name is NT, you met her at Whobilation." said Pippi.
Darren turned to her. "I didn't DO this!" he said defensively.
"Perhaps not directly," Pippi said in a tight, controlled voice.
"What do you mean by that?" he challenged her.
"She was too upset to tell me, her own mother, about your unfortunate past. She didn't want to ruin our holidays, and ran off in the middle of the night." said Ariel.
Darren turned to the Grinch. "You set me up!" he said coldly.
"My, but aren't you the perseptive one." He sniped back, grinning hideously. He shrugged, "I trusted you," the young man added.
The Grinch snorted. "Well, doesn't that make this little get-together all the more special." He leered down closer to his face. "too bad!"
"I thought you didn't like Christmas!"
The Grinch leaned casually against the wall. "I don't like people who abuse little kids, either.
"I don't abuse little kids! You're off your rocker!" Darren retorted.
Brushing his hairy hands together, the Grinch prepared to leave. "Well, I'd love to stay and watch this love-your-neighbor-fest, but there are decidedly too many Whos here for my taste."
He bared his teeth in a grin to Pippi. "Give him hell for me," he smiled.
Pippi glanced at the Grinch, "Thanks for the help." She waved at him.
whistling happily to himself, the Grinch made his exit, thinking they would all start in on Darren. Unfortunately for the Grinch, he left a little too soon, missing out on a catfight between Darren and Indy.
Pippi looked toward Darren next. "You had no idea about this girl's history or emotional state, and you not only insulted her for being a Christian, you told her a story she couldn't handle...One of many, many she's either heard of or experienced to varying degrees during her short life." said Pippi.
"What 'short life'?" Darren complained. "She's a teenager! It's time she got a reality check!"
Indy rolled her eyes at him. "Maybe you think everybody should've read 'Lord of the Flies' by age 13, but I don't!"
Ignoring Indy for now, Darren continued. He looked around the room, his gaze resting on Ariel for a brief moment. "You sure haven't been giving it to her."
"Oh, please! Get a clue!" Indy sniped. "Your own idea of 'reality is screwed up!"
"Darren, I don't look my age, if you must know," NT retorted,narrowing her eyes at him, "And stop harassing my mom! She an I've had more than enough of your type of reality! More than you realize! So shut up or ship out!"
"Hey, it wasn't my idea to come here!" Darren protested.
"But it was your idea to headgame her," Indy jabbed a finger in NT's direction, and glared at Darren. "by being an anti-Christian twit and then use the 'poor me, I was so picked on now I can hate Christians with impunity' excuse!"
"Indy, Darren, NT, sto it!" Misery demanded sharply.
It was so unexpected that it brought about the result she wanted for a few moments, complete silence.
Ariel put a hand on NT to hold her back from trying to get out of bed.
But Indianna wasn't through with Darren yet, she saw the hurt in NT's eyes and the indignation in the others. Even Misery's eyes were flaring red.
"You want a reality check, jackass?" Indy stepped toward him, glaring daggers.
"No, Indy," Misery grabbed the reporter's arm, "That won't help."
"But--" Indy began to object.
"He doesn't know she's so much younger than she looks."
Indy bristled, but subsided, understanding the logic in Misery's observation. "Yeah, but that's no reason for him to come in here and treat her like crap."
"Oh, it's so easy for all six of you women to gang up when there's only one of me," he said defensively. "Well, I can hold my own...I'm used to it."
"Don't try that with this lot, you got yourself into this." Capri said frankly.
"Yeah, you got a problem with women too?" Indy again.
"Stop twisting everything I say!" Darren retorted.
"Sure, when you lose that twisted, stinkin attitude of yours!" Indy fired back.
"Boy, some reporter *you* are, see if I ever watch any of your broadcasts again!" Darren snarked.
Indy tsked at him, but didn't get a chance to make a reply.
"Can it, you two!" Capri demanded sternly, hitting a counter top with a forearm to reinforce the point.
The two quarllers got it, and again fell silent for a while.
Misery got an idea, and spoke up next. She stepped forward, looking a tad less angry.
Darren didn't like the look of her eyes, however, and backed away.
"When you say you're 'used to it' Darren, does that have to do with when they...when you were a child?" she asked.
"Yeah, what do you know about that?" he mumbled, looking away.
"More than you think," she acknowledged.
"As if that's any of your concern," Darren said, trying to avoid looking at Misery.
"It is my concern when it spills over and hurts other innocent people, Darren." said Misery. "Look...we aren't ganging up on you. You want reality checks, but that goes both ways. I don't know why you picked a crowded town square at Christmas time to vent your hate to a bunch of Christmas loving whos, and of all these, it had to be one of the least prepared."
"Darren," Ariel finally got a chance to put a word in edgewise, "You have no idea what our 'reality' is and how hard it's been."
Indy nodded, "No shit...Uh, no kidding!" she corrected herself. "And it's time he learns."
That got him slightly mad again. "Oh yeah?" he said, undoing his sleeves and starting to pull them back, to show them his arms. "Well, neither do you, so we're even!"
Seeing what he was doing, NT made a sudden desperate effort to hurl herself into an upright position, forgetting she couldn't just up and take off. She cringed as the pain of her injuries hit her.
Ariel held her back and tried to help her stay calm.
"Oh please! Indy rolled her eyes. "This isn't some stupid 'get even' game or pity contest! And I didn't plan to get you here just so you could torture NT again, you've done more than--"
"Shhhh, Indy." Pippi said, but got in front of Daren, quickly trying to block the view from NT, who was well on the way to hurting herself trying to escape her bed. "If you want to show off your battle scars, let's take this outside, Darren." she said to him. "Misery, Indy, Capri?"
Only Pippi and Misery got a full view of Darren's arms before he put the sleeves down again shortly...Old, hideous scars from deep wounds in his wrists and the palms of his hands. Old rope burn marks had not been erased with time and also scarred all up and down then delicate, inside tissue of his forearms.
Misery's eyes flashed red again, and she shut them for a moment, shuddering.
"That was a long time ago, son, you can't go usin this to get sympathy an' excuse a crappy attitude all yor life." said Capri. "A lot o' people go through hell an' it doesn't mean they get to go 'round takin it out on others an' decidin it's fine to hate an' slag a whole group o' people."
"I'm not trying to get sympathy!" Darren said, feeling embarrassed and frustrated his display didn't stun or crush the others the way it had NT the night before.
"Aren't you though?" Capri challenged.
Misery opened her eyes once more, and added, "The best thing you can do for yourself and everyone else is try to get past it, and give everyone a fair chance. I don't think you gave NT a fair chance, because you're too blind to see her for what she is...A non-sadist, who just happens to be a Christian."
"'Get past it?'" he said, incredulous. "are you serious?" "
"I am," Misery replied, "And I did say 'try' to get past it."
Darren continued on, not seeming to have really heard her. "I sure as hell wouldn't compare getting hit by a car to torturing a CHILD! I didn't ask for these scars!"
"Nobody asked for 9/11, either. But what I'm sayin is you ain't the only one who's had terrible things happen to them an' if you don't at least try to help yourself get past it, you'll shrivel up and die on the inside - you're well on the way there already..." Capri responded. "An' you'll cause others to do the same. What kind of existance is that?"
"Please, Darren, can't you try to find it in your heart to break that horrible chain your tormentors started?" Misery pleaded.
"I don't abuse like they do," he said to Misery, on the verge of breaking down himself. "I'd never do this to someone else!"
"Neither would I!!" NT's anguished cry cut the air waves.
Misery touched his shoulder. "We all realize that." she said kindly. "And you must know how it would hurt if someone thought you would, or tossed you in the same bad kettle as those who have, because of some bad generalization. Look at NT, Darren, take an honest, hard long look...She, or her mother, or Capri, myself, none of us would ever put another living thing through what those depraved monsters did to you."
Darren dared to look at NT but only for a moment. Something about her reminded him of the sad images of people who survived war or some other tragic events physically but were broken on the inside.
"Yer right, Pippi," said Capri disgustedly, "Let's take this outside."
"Misery nodded, the last thing she'd wanted was for Darren to mess things up any further, so until he was willing to lose some of that attitude, and listen to someone other than himself drowning in his own poisons, there was no sense keeping him in with NT.
Pippi moved for the door and took hold of Darren's sleeve, making sure not to touch his arm. "Don't even think of bolting off, now."
She led Darren out, followed by Misery, Capri, and Indy.
They moved to an empty section of one of the halls, and Misery suggested they continue their duscussion right there.
"All right now, Darren, you've made it very clear to NT you hate Christmas and how you were hurt. You've shown us your scars. Now it's time for you to know NT's story and what we are trying to do and why. This is not about the world against you, and I hope some day you and NT will eventually learn that. But for now, you need to know why NT is the way she is and why she's reacting so strongly...Because her reality has also been full of pain and suffering.
Darren herumphed.
"Put a sock in it an' listen!" Capri admonished.
"Excuuuuse meeee!" he retorted.
"Enough!" Misery scolded. "Shhhhhht!"
Everyone fell silent, no one was used to the mild mannered Misery Chastain raising her voice.
"Thank you." said Misery, once she had everyone's attention. "Now Darren...NT's already had to live with the fact that a horrible man, who belonged to no religion by the way, abused her own mother...One of those abuses brought about her, and she's got to live with that knowledge. I'm sure it's one of the hardest blows to the self-esteem, knowing you came about because of some cruel, barbaric act done to your own mother!"
"Sorry." Darren lowered his head. He was starting to regret making that snied comment about NT not getting a reality check.
Misery continued. "A half-sister managed to get some nasty, very powerful people to add more insult to this and they did all they could to trash her reputation. If you watch Indy's newscasts, you might remember where she reported on the girl who had her identity stolen and trashed."
"It was only during the past year we were able to get the perps - or - one of them to try and un-do some of the damage and admit to culpability for it." said Indy.
"Was that the girl who was victimized by some look-alike who burgled record stores and mistreated animals in pet shops and stuff?" Darren asked, it starting to ring a bell.
"Yes." Indy growled, looking squarely at him."
Misery cut in before any conflict might start between Indy and Darren. "NT's always been the exact opposite of that abusive man, the half-sister, and those - things- that abused you, Darren," she explained. "She'd never hurt anyone. But she's learned far too many things about people and the damage they do to one another, she's helpless as we are to stop it and helpless to go back in time and erase it. And when she hears of anything as horrible as what you've gone through, she comes as close to experiencing it herself, without actually being there as anyone can get. And I think a lot of this is because she couldn't save Ariel from the abuse she suffered, and feels compelled to try saving everyone else."
Misery took a deep breath. "I know, I know all too well what that feels like." Two tears welled up in Misery's eyes and spilled down her cheeks. "I've got my own personal demons too, if you will."
Darren hesitated. Misery's story and compassion were getting to him. He lowered his voice. "Look...I'm sorry about NT and I'm sorry she got hit by a car 'cause she was so upset by what I said BUT that doesn't change what she went through and what I went through."
At least his lowering his voice and the tone change meant they were getting somewhere now. "You can't ever change that, or change those animals that did that to us," he added.
"No, that's true," Misery said, "But do you think clinging to a festering, poisonous hate is going to help? You can either make the best of it and try to put it behind you, or carry on the legacy of hate and hurt started by your abusers and NT's abusers and their kind. You don't seriously want to contribute to their game, do you?" she pleaded.
"Of course not, I just..." Darren sighed.
"You can't change your past, but you can determine the future and help someone else to ease their suffering, or maybe even prevent it." She added.
Darren shrugged.
"You know that Whobilation is specifically part of the Christmas celebrations. Can you be honest with yourself and examine why you went where you knew there would be Christmas? And why you felt compelled to single out NT of all people and tell her? I'm not saying you shouldn't confide in someone, you should, by all means. Someone who can really help you work through all this baggage you've been carrying for so many years." said Misery. "But why NT, a total stranger, who was just trying to get some happiness back at Christmas time? Why a total stranger who's already been so damaged on the inside?"
"I didn't know she was damaged on the inside," Darren said, "I just thought she was getting too uptight over a stupid comment I made."
"So why did you go after her?" Capri demanded. "Get some kick outa provokin girls that get 'too uptight' for ya?"
Darren flushed. He had no good answer for this, at least, not right away, until Capri pushed the issue.
"Well?" Capri confronted him.
"Okay, so maybe I wanted to teach her a lesson. And I'm sick of getting dismissed as a troll because I hate Christmas! I'm sick of people running in the opposite direction whenever I talk about that or my abuse! I'm sick of whos bugging me about not complaining about holiday pay if I don't like Christmas! I'm sick of Christians trying to convert me and put under the carpet what happened. I don't know, maybe NT didn't do any of that, she got genuinely upset and...maybe I thought she'd understand - I don't know why I told her okay?"
Capri nodded. "You can lump Adolf Hitler, Sadam Hussein, Bin Laden, the monster who abused Ariel in with those wastes of skin that did it to you. But don't toss NT or any of us in with that stinkin lot.Cruelty's got nothin to do with religious persuasion, an' everythin to do with pure evil, or darkness, or whatever you wanna call it."
Darren, for once, was out of ideas to fire back. He had to admit to himself that Misery was right, he didn't have to go to Whobilation, that had been his choice. Why he did was something he had a harder time processing, unsure of the reasons himself.
He took in what Capri said next, realizing that he probably insulted her as well as NT without even knowing anything about her. Had she been effected by 911? Of course, she had to have been or she wouldn't have mentioned it.
Darren was feeling too embarrassed to dare speculate on that any further. Neither did he care to get Capri seriously angry with him.
And what to say to NT...? Whether he'd meant to or not, he had slighted her, and only ended up putting her in the hospital instead of making her back down and tell him he was right. But she wasn't the only one slighted now, why the heck did the Grinch call him a child abuser? If this was just over his upsetting NT, he hadn't meant to cause a breakdown, besides, she wasn't as young as he had been when he'd been tortured, so where did the Grinch get off saying that?
Finally, Darren voiced his thoughts on this. "I don't know why the Grinch called me a child abuser. I didn't beat NT and she's a teenager, I was only a kid when I was--"
"NT is only seven." Pippi cut in. "She looks much older, but you can tell her age if you know what signs to look for."
"No, that can't be." Darren protested.
"It's true." said Misery. "Maybe some day you can hear the whole story, but for now, all you need to know is she's only been alive seven years, and she's got the intellect and many behaviors of an adult. But she is very young, and people and life outside of her own family haven't been kind to her, and she doesn't handle being insulted or horrified well."
Darren shrugged, but said, "Well, I didn't believe there really was a Grinch until I met him the other night. I guess NT is - another one I didn't know about."
"Well, now ya know." said Capri.
"Sorry." said Darren.
"Good, now go back in there and tell her that." said Capri.
Darren nodded, and resigned himself to doing what Capri suggested. Her manner was unnerving him and he realized it would be best to get this over with, apologize to NT, hope she would accept it, and then Darren could get out of there before he did something else to annoy Capri.
They went back into NT's room.
Darren made himself look at NT.
"If he had simply left gracefully without trying to prove to her how right he thought he was, could this have been avoided? What were the chances of her getting this upset over something else entirely and ending up here?
"I - uh," he began awkwardly. "I'm sorry you were so upset you got yourself hurt...I didn't mean to do that to you." He ventured looking back up from the floor briefly to see if she was listening.
Misery and Capri glanced at each other without saying anything. It was another step to a small start for both of them.
"What about sorry you called me a sadist?" NT asked. "I didn't decide to just get upset and get hit by that car. And I'm still sorry I couldn't have stopped what happened to you." Clearly she was still anguishing, unable to resolve being in two mindsets about Darren.
"Yeah...sorry...about that, too," he nodded, looking down again.
"Thanks." she said.
"and...thanks," he added.
Not feeling so great, Darren turned to walk out.
"Wait a sec," Misery spoke up.
"Yes, I don't believe we are done here," Pippi said seriously.
Darren sighed, turning around. What did they want of him now?
"Misery said you could help prevent someone elses suffering," the investigator said.
He just looked at her, not understanding what she was getting at.
"Are they still hurtin' children?" Capri asked him.
"And who are they?" NT asked. eager to help stop them if there might be a chance.
He shrugged. "Dunno...maybe...they were never punished for what they did to me. I - left, never been back...I couldn't..." He started to twitch at the suppressed memory of it. Sweat broke out on his hands.
This was all so surreal and weird...why were they asking him anyway, he thought to himself.
NT's eyes flashed.
"They shouldn't get away with that!"
"You can't stop them," he replied when his head stopped pounding as bad with the stress of the topic. "It's a whole - they're..." he put a hand to his head. He felt like he was going to be sick.
He turned around and gulped air, trying to stop his stomach from rebelling.
"We wouldn't make you face them again." Pippi said. If you have the names of these...beasts, perhaps we can take things from there."
"Yeah, the thought of them living in some kinda luxury or comfort makes me sick." Indy spat.
Capri nodded at Indy, and NT looked at them in agreement. "Sick." she said.
"They - don't. They're just - people..." he replied through gritted teeth.
"Why don't you sit down," Misery offered, guiding him to a chair.
Darren swallowed. He looked up at Misery. "Can I get some water, please," he asked her. "and, does anyone have any aspirin?"
"There's a pitcher over on that counter," NT said, "I'd get it for you but..." She couldn't walk yet. She looked at the others.
"Let me get it, Darren," Misery offered. "you don't look like you should stand. You're white as a sheet."
"I have tylenol," Pippi said. She rummaged in her purse, and took out some tylenol, "If that doesn't work for you, I'll run to the store for some asperin."
He waved that it was fine, accepting it and the glass of water with badly shaking hands. He gulped both down a little too fast, coughed, but then calmed down.
"Maybe it should've just been left, I never would've agreed if it meant making you relive all that hell." said NT.
"No, NT, this had to be addressed," said Misery, "Letting it fester wouldn't do you or him any good."
"And it was Darren who brought it all up in the first place, not you." Capri added frankly. She would've felt more sympathetic if Darren hadn't used his abuse to start something back at Whobilation, but the fact of the matter was, he had. So Capri wasn't sure this wasn't just for dramatic effect now that Darren was made to face the result of his mouthing off.
"I know, I'm sorry okay?" Darren retorted.
Capri grunted, and changed the topic slightely to what was concerning her the most now." Those fanatics...If they're still around an' possibly doin that to other people.....They gotta be stopped...today."
"Yeah, tossed in jail until they rot!" said NT.
Darren looked away, thinking about it. "I - don't know that they are still doing it...I don't remember clearly about them doing it to anyone else."
"Well..." said Pippi, "I never doubted your story, but you need to know that your abusers were not real Christians, they went against what the basic principles of all belief systems today in their purist form.
And For what it's worth, we are truly sorry no one was there to stop it from happening."
"She's right." NT rasped.
He nodded minutely. "Thanks."
"Oh, crap!" Indy suddenly yelped, lurching for the door. "I gotta get to work! Like," she looked at her watch, squealing, "10 minutes ago! Aw, man!"
Misery smiled. "That's Indy."
"Yeah, and it'll be Dead Indy if I don't shake a leg pronto!"
Several chuckles were heard.
Darren opened his mouth to say something, but hesitated. Having mixed feelings about being set up by her, he wasn't sure if he should be disappointed in her or impressed by her compassion for NT which compelled her to do it in the first place.
"It's okay if you're ticked at me for being so sneaky, Darren, but I wanted to help get this cleared up, for NT's sake, and yours. Thanks for hearing us out."
He nodded, looking back towards the others.
"By all!" said Indy.
They said their goodbyes.
Indy turned and hurried out of the room.
Darren looked from Misery to Capri to Pippi...wondering what to say next. There was an awkward moment of silence.
"Well," Misery said, folding her arms across her chest. "this didn't turn out exactly as I had expected."
"Yeah, it's hard t'say how things'll go with emotions runnin so high." Capri replied.
"Well, it's unfortunate those disgusting idiots called themselves Christians and made you associate that word with the likes of them." NT spat, her anger clearly directed at Darren's tormentors and not him. "I know about bad associations myself. I can't stand NSync or the Backstreet Boys music because this...horrible girl who lived at our house a few years ago was crazy about them. And she did everything she could to cause trouble and make me miserable."
"But NT knows she doesn't represent Backstreet Boys fans." Ariel added.
"Oh, that Miranda was just one o' them horrible people that turned everything she touched into poison." Capri said. "Ugh, couldn't wait to get her outa my room."
"I can't bear to listen to Liberachi." said Misery with a shudder. "His music brings back agonizing memories for me."
"Well, I don't think NT needs more excitement than this," Capri finally spoke up. "If we're gonna take this nasty little group out, let's go somewhere else and plan it."
Misery nodded in agreement.
"No, what I don't need is feeling so bloody helpless and useless." said NT. "If you're going to take out these people, I want in on it!!" Her eyes burned with determination.
"You need to recuperate first!" Ariel said, just as determined.
"I know. But once I have, don't leave me out." said NT. "I already know about what happened. He told me first. I want to be good for something else besides just hearing bad news and not being able to do anything about it!"
Misery and Pippi exchanged raised eyebrow looks. "Okay," Pippi agreed, in a slow, thoughtful voice. "We have to do some investigation to find out where these creeps are anyway. That will take some time."
"And when we do, how about we spare you the gory details of anything else they've done, but let you in on the action once it's time." Misery suggested.
NT began to subside. "That sounds fair."
"I - I gotta get some air," Darren said, suddenly getting nervous. He pulled at his shirt collar and walked outside for a moment.
"Just out of curiosity, Misery," asked Pippi, "How were you expecting this to turn out?"
Misery pursed her lips. "Wasn't sure," she admitted. "He could have turned out to be a jerk and uncooperative. Then I would have had to pull Capri off him."
Capri smirked and smiled. "I'd like to see you try."
"I didn't know what to expect." NT admitted.
"Well, I think we should let you get some rest," Capri said. "it's been a stressful day and it isn't even noon yet."