Title: Things yet to pass are better left forgotten
Fandom: Supernatural
Characters/Pairings: Dean/Castiel
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 864
Spoilers: 5x4 'The End'
Prompt: Dean/Castiel, gun training (think Torchwood style)
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. Kripke is the lord and master
Authors Note: Written for
cs_whitewolf. In a small contribution to raise
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Comments 2
Having Dean think of how training Castiel to shoot could possibly send him down the path of destruction he saw kind of breaks my heart, especially since he decides it's something that needs to be done ♥
thanks very much for this darling, and for helping haiti through it. your v-gift will be with you shortly :)
I'm glad you liked it hun, and I'm glad you think it worked. It was my pleasure to write it and to help Haiti in the process.
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