Birthday Shenanigans 2005

Mar 16, 2005 16:26

As of last Thursday, I am now an ancient 23 years-old. Fortunately, people doing nice things for me alleviates the pain of inching ever closer to death! Here are some highlights, in chronological order:

  • Thursday morning, I entered work to find my Office decorated with streamers! There was a "Happy Birthday" greeting on my whiteboard and three stuffed chickens for me to cuddle while I fret over Exchange weirdness. This outstanding display was the apparent handywork of an early-rising sarahrowe!

  • Shortly after my arrival to work, my parents called. They sang Happy Birthday to me, and explained that they would provide me with funds to purchase an iPod.

  • Thursday evening, I crashed a UWaterloo alumni event with GDB, canadianveggie, and sarahrowe. I was taken out for birthday Ice Cream afterward. The larger celebration was postponed due to the alumni event, and me being busy with work.

  • There was a punctual and sweet "Happy Birthday" livejournal post from birthday-rememberance expert supertree.
  • Thursday night triggered a deluge of Happy Birthday well-wishing messages from eurythmicprince, shocky71, aramisben, ecodude, me_apple, crazycrazy, cryptomancer, Yuxi, Galiffi,.... I'm sure I'm missing someone. Someone who will now be terribly offended. Trying to list well-wishers is a slippery slope.

  • Unbeknownst to me, there WAS a Birthday Party for me on Thursday night--It was in Toronto, perpetrated by none-other than l3tang, loserpants, and Galiffi. Outrageous! Bonus points for celebrating in Hex... I feel younger that way.

  • On Monday, a snail-mail card from supertree arrived. Yay!

  • Monday night, we formally celebrated my birthday at Kisaku, an excellent Sushi establishment. Attendees were myself, sarahrowe, canadianveggie, Casey, and GDB. I had a rather large sushi platter to myself, along with an extra order of Spicy Tuna Rolls, and some green-tea ice cream to cap it off. There were also some gifts:

    • I received a joyously useful Safeway gift-card from Casey.

    • canadianveggie got a sweet pedometer for me! It even has a USB interface, so I can effectively measure and track my creepy night walks. I think he actually meant it as a gag-gift, but I had been meaning to acquire a pedometer for quite some time.

    Mega-kudos to sarahrowe for organizing the outing, making reservations, driving, and effectively snatching away my bill upon its arrival.

Wow.... That's a lot of text. Thanks to everyone for going out of their way to cushion my descent into old age. I feel quite lucky to have met so many outstanding individuals... *sniff* *sniff* Uh-oh, time to end the post before I get too emotional.
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