--- Though I have been quite sad and depressed about the
situation w/ school, I have come to honestly realize
that perhaps it is for the best.
--- There are still several different career directions I
have yet to decide on, and this will give me time to find
my center. To know exactly what I am going to go for
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Comments 3
I think we may be able to work together somehow!
And ironically enough, I just got in my new
DVD;s today and a Yoga dance DVD.
I use Reiki for all the things you mentioned, including
Magic. This will come natural to some people who are attuned or to
I want the yoga and dance for breathe and deeper concentration, and more "balance" It will also enchance the Reiki. They feed off of one another beautitfully.
See more about what I say on yoga on my space account if you wish..
Keep in touch, ok ?
Xx O
to chat with you sometime and get your advice on a few
things. I just got my new Yoga DVD's and such in....
And I will be willing to speak with you and work with you
on Reiki....
Please don't hesitate to contact me by email:
Also, I will still be posting here, but have moved to
My Space...
Much love and Namaste
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