Original stuff

Nov 05, 2009 21:59

title: Rest In Stone Without You
rating: PG
word count: ~350
summary: She lives while he doesn't.
A/N: Still not a writer.

There's nothing left where he used to be. )


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Comments 10

istne_pieklo November 6 2009, 07:34:15 UTC
O_o ...You're depressed! *hugs* *hugs more* *clings and cuddles*
Aside from my concern for your emotional state, this is beautiful. Esp. this: she did know someone who could paint magic with words, who could create worlds with only his mind and who could command all the fantastic beings who hide in the dreams of children with a story. Amazing imagry! <3


industrialgirl1 November 6 2009, 19:00:29 UTC
*cuddles back*
Thank you darling! And don't worry, it's not as bad as it looks. Just...stuff))
I think it's your influence)) You wrote about an author in JB and it just sneaked in there))


shaitanah November 6 2009, 19:03:02 UTC
I understand... Sometimes RL is just way more of a bitch than it should be. But the story kicks ass anyway))) You can deny it but you have talent))
OMG! I iz flattered)))) <3


industrialgirl1 November 6 2009, 19:17:46 UTC
We should all just move online))
Thanks again! <333 And lol, not really)))
You should be darling, you should be))) You live in my brain)))


helike November 6 2009, 10:40:48 UTC
Pretty thing :3 It does show a feeling of a loss.

Honey, this one reads funny: all her ghosts are hiding behind the wood waiting for her to be weak <- written in this way it suggests that the wood is waiting for her to be weak. You need a coma after "the wood", because it's the ghosts are waiting for her to be weak, right?

I liked it a lot.
*huggles* <- you never can have too many of them :)


industrialgirl1 November 6 2009, 19:37:07 UTC
Thank you! <3

And yeah, I guess you're right. I'll change it later))

*huggles back*


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