another fic

Jan 20, 2009 00:08

This is the end piece to Tears of Blood that was begging me to be written, I know out of order but I wanted to work with it. The rest will come or not depending on what my other Indy fics turn out like.

Title: I Thought I Lost You-you may want to read Tears of Blood,House of Rain parts 1-4
Raiting: pg-13
Pairing: Indy/Mutt
Author: Anakin1218

The floor tiles in front of his boots where covered in a fine layer of dust, squinting into the gloom he could just make out the figures standing on the opposite side of the cavern. “Listen to my voice and do exactly as I say, no second guesses.” Indy’s voice called out, desperately fighting the urge to wallop Spalko for doing this. Only the dark haired Russian could be this cruel, risking Mutt’s life to get the last shard of crystal; he alone was small enough to reach into the hole set above the floor tiles. Remove the crystal and make it to safety without setting off the spear tipped poles in the ceiling. Spalko glared at the boy and called out her own warning” do not try to run or Dr Jone’s here will be shot”. She drove home her point by pushing the muzzle of her pistol into Indy’s neck. Mutt could feel the sweat pooling beneath his arms and running down his back, making the bandage on his back itch. “You’ve already studied the writing here at the temple, tell me from left to right what the first line of tiles have on them, there picto- glyphs. Each picture stands for something, a word or symbol in the Aztec language”. “This is not a history lesson” Spalko barked as she back handed Indy in the face. He could do nothing to defend himself as his hands where tied behind his back. Shaking his head to clear the ringing he squared his shoulders and waited for Mutt’s answer. “Don’t step on any of the tiles till I tell you!”. “Right, ok, um a mask, triangle, torch, butterfly, spiral circle (clockwise), skull and another spiral (counter clockwise).” He stood there nervously fingering his switchblade to calm himself and waited, how long would it take. He just wanted to escape with Indy and ditch the Russians for good. “Your doing great, stand with both feet on the clockwise spiral, do you have a light source?”. “Yeah the lantern” Mutt said as he walked onto the spiral Indy had spoken of, sure enough nothing happened. “Now repeat what you did, tell me from left to right the tiles in front of you”. And so it went, one row at a time; Mutt snaked his way across the cavern inching closer to the alcove in the center. Once standing above the niche he waited for Indy’s instruction. “Stretch up and grab the shard but do not fall onto any other tiles. There should be a tab you can press to fix the rest of the tiles. By passing the trap”. Lantern in one hand, he reached up with his left hand and in one motion pressed the stone tab. Than he slowly removed the crystal. “Got it!” he called as the tiles settled around him, rolling to show all circle spirals. In the glow of the lantern the crystal glowed a strange silver color, “Mr. Williams walk towards us and hand me the crystal in exchange for Dr Jones”. Mutt was more than happy to fork over the piece of rock; Spalko untied Indy and snatched the Crystal moving away down an open tunnel.

Indy pulled Mutt into a crushing hug, “thank God” he said against the top of his head. Mutt for his part didn’t want to move but they had to keep up, Indy took the lead with Mutt close behind.  Several minutes brought them to another chamber and Spalko glaring at a dead end. Indy stuck close to the wall, with Mutt tucked behind him not wanting to be forced into another puzzle unlocking. He watched Spalko arrange the crystal shards on the floor, in the form of a clockwise spiral .She placed the crystal skull in the center, stepping back. “Tell me what you know” she yelled, arms outstretched, the ground began to shift beneath their feet. A slow, fine rumbling sound echoed through out the temple, causing Indy to start looking for an escape route. He remembered what the skull had told him, if he returned it he would be granted a second chance. Looking at Mutt, who was leaning against him he realized he had been given it. “Ready to run?” “Yeah but which way?” Indy nodded his head towards a side chamber with a carved door, the door had slid open when the floor starting shifting. “Follow me, slowly” Mutt kept right next to Indy as they began inching their way toward the door, it wasn’t that far. Even though the Russians where pre occupied, he was still nervous that they’d shoot them. Luck was finally with them, Spalko was too interested in the skull, she’d began speak too it. Ignoring the ramblings, Indy heaved a sigh of relief once they got into the door way. “I don’t like this”, he felt something was going to happen. Something big, reaching for Mutt’s hand he grabbed it and started running. He wanted enough space between them and the temple. The rumbling sound began to shake the walls, causing a fine mist of dust and debris to fall around them. In no time they where outside, standing in the plaza in the last rays of afternoon sunlight. Several soldiers moved towards them and Indy uncoiled his bullwhip, turning to Mutt he gestured at the jeep. “Get in and I’ll meet you in town, ask Dr Inguard for directions. Appearing as if summoned the Russian doctor, tossed in several bags to the back of the jeep and motioned for Mutt to follow. “No way man, we go together” Mutt said settling his feet firmly  onto the earthen bricks. “Stop being stubborn and go!” Indy yelled as he shoved the boy towards safety and took off back towards the temple entrance. He had to get the soldiers away from them, a little detour wouldn’t hurt. Sure enough the soldiers followed him into the doorway of the temple; Indy curled his whip around a beam and pulled. Turning to run he was cornered by an enraged Spalko. Blood dripped from her eyes, she looked unearthly. She shoved Indy against a wall, just missing one of the ceiling timbers crashed down taking a guard with it. In the jeep Mutt watched in horror as Indy was cut off from escape, “we have to help him” he yelled not caring who was looking. The doctor for his part prayed the professor could escape and turned the jeep away from the temple. “We can help him by getting away; I am truly sorry Mr. Williams”. Mutt would have jumped out of the jeep but he had an eerie feeling he’d out numbered and out gunned. Twisting his neck around, he caught one last glimpse of Indy being taken down by Spalko and ceiling beams crashing around them. So close, he’d been so close to escaping to a normal life. Sullen and deeply hurt, he slumped in the passenger seat.

Dr Inguard drove, pausing only to watch a plume of smoke climb up from the temple complex followed by a deafening crash. “It has ended, you are free now, and perhaps now you will find peace.” Mutt ignored what was being said, glaring at the horizon with a listless gaze. Night had fallen when they pulled into a fancy hotel, fancy for Mexico City. It distracted Mutt; he’d never seen anything so swank. Following the doctor up to their room, he flopped on one of the two beds. “I am going to go secure our train tickets for tomorrow morning and should return with in the hour.” Waiting till he was sure the doctor was gone, he rolled off the bed. Kneeling he grabbed a white dress shirt from his backpack, returning to the bed he tucked it beneath his head. It had belonged to Indy and was now his only source of comfort.  The evening passed in a haze of pain, the doctor moving in and out gathering what was needed for their return trip to the states. Some time around dawn he was shaken awake, having slept in his clothes he didn’t need to dress. A short drive to the train station and Mutt was greeted to a mass of humanity, not wanting to admit it made him more than a bit nervous. He double checked that Indy’s dress shirt was still in his backpack, it was all he had left. Herding a listless Mutt into their car (first class), they had a small compartment to themselves. Plopping down onto a cushioned seat, he leaned against the window and quickly dozed off. Hardly listening when Dr Inguard said the train would be leaving in 15 minutes.

Dr Inguard moved into the main hallway, shutting the compartment door and leaning against the wall. Checking his pocket watch, praying his contact would arrive in time. “Good you made it” he greeted the tall man in the tweed jacket and chinos. “Of course, do you have the goods and the boy secured?” was the man’s icy cool reply. “In the compartment, everything is in order and you will find the money waiting in the suitcase. A hand shake and Dr Inguard left the train, pleased with himself for his trickery.

Mutt woke up when he heard the latch to the compartment door being lifted; figuring Dr Inguard would be worried he pushed himself up right. Not recognizing the man who walked in, figuring he’d been betrayed he grabbed his switch blade. “Get out!” he ordered in what he hoped was a ‘don’t mess with me’ voice. The man chuckled, closing the door behind him and locking it. Turning to face the boy he removed his hat and jacket; arms out to show he had no weapon. “You, how?” was Mutt’s response as he dropped the knife and launched himself into Indy’s arms. “A miracle, plain and simple Pup” Indy whispered into the boy’s ear as he lowered them to the seats, curling his body around Mutt’s. The tears that had been threatening for weeks finally came loose, Indy never stopped talking and Mutt finally fell into an exhausted sleep. Waking an hour later, jerking awake in fear Indy’s return had been a dream. “Shhh” warmth beneath him and strong arms around him, Mutt dozed again inhaling the comforting scent that was Indy. “We’re going home?” he slurred, burying his head into Indy’s shoulder; “Should be back in the states by tonight, we did it.”. Indy replied dropping his fedora over his eyes and never letting go of Mutt. He’d almost lost him once, never again. He mused as the train lulled them to sleep.

author: anakin1218

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