Master Fic Post, with bonus rambling.

Jan 07, 2030 10:44

Fanfic Index-y Type Deal
Listed from oldest to newest under fandom.

I Strive - 25,532 words - Love means something different to Dom, to Mal, to Arthur.

They Tried to Blow Me Down - 2,268 words - Mal was right and all Dom can do is sleep.

Plate Tectonics - 5,637 words - Arthur is forced to move in with Eames. The world moves.

Lives I've Pursued - 7,551 words - Arthur could live like this, or this.

Everyone Experiments in College - ~45,000 words - In an alternate universe, Jared goes to college. Things start ensuing all over the place.

Everybody's Looking for a Savior - 2,196 words - World's got Jared in a funk; it's a good thing Jensen's there to supply the cure.

Learning Curve - 2,876 words - An attempt at PWP. Jared doesn't kiss Jensen.

Seek - 11,104 words - Endings are hard. Beginnings are harder. Supernatural wraps up and Jared and Jensen approach the next year in radically different fashion.

Cohabitation - 4,244 words - A little bit of fic because who can resist Jared and Jensen living in the same effing house. Oh, to be a fly on that wall. A sort of ode.

Gravity - 4,605 words - Future fic! Where in Jared is cast on a hit show on one of the Big Three, and Jensen is a picky auteur. Also, Jared and Jensen date, break-up, date, break-up.

Someday - 9,748 words - Jensen's an American soldier, stationed in Seoul. Jared is teaching English abroad, also in Seoul. Convenient. Sexy. (Unfinished)

Keepsake - 19,943 words - Written for j2_everafter. AU to the max. Based loosely on Disney/Pixar's Wall-E.

Fading Silhouettes - 26,699 words - Written for j2_remix. More AU to the max: Zombie fic. A remix of Lower the Curtain Down All Right by cathybites

And Behind This Door... - 21,125 words - Written for j2_everafter. A love story based on Pixar's Monsters Inc., in which, as the inestimable Spice Girls would put it, two become one.

Friday Night Lights
Stranger at my Shoulder - 1,096 words - Jason doesn't waste his time thinking about Tim. There's usually more important.

Sat on a Wall, Had a Great Fall - 999 words - Riggins has got time on his hands and that pain-in-the-ass thing called introspection keeps butting on in.

Keep Your Eyes Wide Open, Your Tools In Your Belt - 2,966 words - New husband, new life, new sport. There're a lot of things Tami didn't know to expect, and the problem is life keeps throwing 'em at her.

Whither Thou Goest - 15,441 words - Sam and Dean stall; something's coming up on their tail.
I've locked and unlocked this bad boy so many times. I need to edit the heck out of this.

Two on a Hill - 3,214 words - They have things taken from them, every one.

Contrary - 2,237 words - Mary loves a lot of things. John loves one, then two, then three.
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