I'm making friends, my classmates are cool, I'm getting involved, and I'm settling in. So much can change in just days.
The people on my floor are still pretty antisocial, but the girls right next door to me are pretty cool so that's good. And I found out that the next time I change rooms is the next academic year so I'm going to have some fun in decorating my dorm room. I'll post "after" pictures further on down the road.
I feel like I'm in a little bit over my head with my classes, but from talking to other people I'm not alone. I guess this is college... professors just expect you to already know material as they rush through it in accents and crappy examples and boring readings. The one class I really can't wait to plunge into is Intro to Engineering, which is a good sign because it makes me confident that I've made a good choice in Architectural Engineering.
And I don't know about the rest of you, but the whole "making choices" thing is pretty overwhelming to me. I had an 11PM curfew on weekends, have never slept over anywhere, always restricted, etcetc, and now it's completely ok for me to come back to my dorm at 3AM from just hanging out, watching movies, whatever. It's just crazy that it's totally up to me whether I go to the pool or catch up on my homework (and it's insanely hard to concentrate, by the way, when you can just walk wherever you want to go versus driving). I've really been able to open up and discover who I really am, what I really like, what makes me a unique individual. Yes, all that in a week. And it's a great feeling to know who you are.
Thanksgiving is definitely the next time I'm going home, but I know that when it comes time for me to finally go home that that 5 hour drive will be worth every second of seeing my parents again and feeling that feeling of real "home" again.
So far it seems a majority of people go through a slump the first few days of moving to college, but take it from me, it gets a lot better, and quickly, as long as you stick with it.