What color are the walls? red.
What color is the carpet? hardwood floors, nucca.
Do you have Pictures Hanging up? just one
If so, are they in frames, or taped up? taped
Who are these pictures of? ben lee with mallory & i.
What size bed do you have? double...? i don't know. i get my bed sizes confused.
Do you have a tv? nope
Do have a stereo or radio/cd player? yep
Movies? no
DVDs? no
What is on your Blankets and Pillows? nothing. they're black.
How many windows are in your room? 2
Would it be easy for someone to spy on you? probably
Do you have a door? yeah?
Does your door lock? yes
Do you have a closet? yes
What do you keep in your closet? clothes, shoes and shit i never use
What do you keep under your bed? shit that i kick under there.
Do you share your room with anyone? no
Are their any secrect hiding spots in your room? yep.
Where do you keep your Thongs/Bras, Boxers/underwear? in the top drawer.
Are you in your room often? just to sleep and change
Are other people in your room alot, with or without you? not really
Besides pictures, what else is hanging up on the walls? posters.
How many mirrors are in your room? one
How many closets are in your room? 2
How many dressers are in your room? 1
Is this computer, or any other computer in your room? nope
The pictures in your room, mostly guys, or mostly girls? guys
Is their anything perverted, sexy, or nasty in your room? ...don't think so.