Title: In the Garden
Characters/Pairings: Hugo/Luna
Rating: Adult
Summary: Hugo follows Aunt Luna into the garden during a holiday party
Word Count: 2100
Series: Hugo’s Conquests [Though it can stand alone, as always]
Warnings: Infidelity, age disparity
Thanks to
tamlane for helping me fix the part I was having trouble with!
Anonymous’ prompt: Garden
In the Garden )
Comments 2
Ahhhahaha, that's such a perfect description of Luna.
It was so interesting to see Hugo fall under someone else's spell. Not that I'd want to read that all the time because his cool detachment and control freakishness is a big part of his appeal. But the thing about his encounters and the way you write them is that every sexual escapade feels organic to the female character(s) he's involved with. And who wouldn't be fascinated by Luna? She's childlike and enigmatic, and you never know how much she really believes and how much she's putting on, and you capture that so well here. I really enjoyed the push-pull tension of Hugo wanting to retain control but also wanting the release of letting go. Kudos on another fantastic addition to this series!!
P.S. The thought of Hugo camping is cracking me up like crazy. XD
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