Hi :)

Jul 16, 2019 15:50

Greetings! You can call me Inept, which is a perfectly accurate description. If you call me Shieldmaid, which is most inaccurate, I will be immensely flattered and probably giggle a bit.

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Comments 26

niamh_sage August 6 2008, 11:33:21 UTC
I somehow missed this! Reading this post makes me feel all excited and fanficcy, something I haven't felt for a LONG time. :D I am looking forward to reading your stories!

*impatiently waits for end of work day*


ineptshieldmaid August 6 2008, 11:34:40 UTC
BWAH. Unsure how you managed to miss it, it's all I've talked about for about a month now :P

I put up my old LOTR parody from RB and there's some entslash crackfic on here... a couple of medieval pieces and, naturally, Narnia :D


niamh_sage August 6 2008, 11:39:05 UTC
You are not the only person this is happening to, I'm sorry to say :$ My head is definitely no longer the model of multi-tasking ubiquitous efficiency it was. (An example: we borrowed Arni's parents' car to go to a wedding in. Sometime during our use of the car, we backed into a pole into a carpark. I got out of the car to inspect the damage. You'd think I'd remember this, but I don't. And I didn't even drink anything!)

Anyway...I've fiended you, and I'm looking forward to reading along!

And...um, entslash crackfic?? Where are all these strange jargons coming from?


ineptshieldmaid August 6 2008, 15:12:16 UTC
BAH IT IS SO WEIRD. I went downstairs to slog my cotton-wool way through some study and instead got MEDIEVALIST ON SPEED.

Ok, jargon:

slash- m/m pairings
'entslash'- m/m pairings of ents, by extension.
crackfic- the kind of thing you only think of when you're completely cracked, and/or ON crack. Such as writing entslash.


anachronisma September 21 2008, 05:54:56 UTC
You and I seem to have an immense amount in common, given I write LotR, Narnia, and Arthurian fanfic (mostly Malory. Not always.) And uh, Robin Hood but not the BBC show.

I'm one of those scary people who's wanted to be a medievalist since I was 14. (And am finally on my way!) I occasionally read your fanfic and then I go back and backread various tags and go "oh gee I should really friend this person." Friendy?


ineptshieldmaid September 21 2008, 05:59:45 UTC
Ooooh, another Arthurian ficcer! Where do you keep it? I just had a poke at your journal and didn't see fic posts, although perhaps I'm just going mad.

:D Medievalist solidarity. What are you studying?

Friend away!


anachronisma September 21 2008, 06:06:15 UTC
Not posted, am very embarrassed of my weird Gawain/Ragnell stories which comprise the majority of what I've written for a medieval bastard-offspring-universe in the works with my best friend fisher_queen where Gawain and Ragnell had 5 sons (and Ragnell is a cross-dressinger/dual-gendered Faerie woman who is sometimes a man) and Lancelot and Gawain are BFF (that's canon though, several billion times over) and Morgan le Fey has a massive crush on Gawain (but that's practically canon too, IMO, from Sir Gawain and the Green Knight). Though I keep my fanfic at karigans_fic.

I'm right now doing my basic lower-level undergrad at a community college but when I transfer I want to study the 12th and 13th centuries in England, especially the third crusade, Robin Hood, and the Midlands. But that might change. I really am interested in a woman named Nicola de la Haye from Lincoln who I can't really find anything about.


ineptshieldmaid September 21 2008, 06:14:31 UTC
AAAAAH YOU WROTE THAT NARNIA FIC! 'Lioness'! AAAH. *squees at you*

Ahaha, your Arthurian stuff sounds INSANE.

Ohh. Third Crusade, funfunfun. Me, I'm an Anglo-Saxonist with a side interest in high medieval dirty jokes. (Eg: Bondage jokes in Sir Gawain! Why has no one noticed this before?)


sstarlz October 31 2008, 23:38:06 UTC
Hey, I've been reading some of your fanfic, and I was wondering if you could look for/have any Tamora Pierce Recs? Because, I really kind of liked yours. And I'm so so bad at finding it myself. :)


ineptshieldmaid October 31 2008, 23:52:12 UTC
I found some good ones through pierce_fic, if that helps?

Here's a list of those that I've added to my memories. A good deal of them have to do with Raoul :D


sstarlz October 31 2008, 23:58:21 UTC
thanks hun, that helps. please keep writing, i'm actually enjoying your smut. it's fun.


ineptshieldmaid November 1 2008, 00:36:41 UTC
hehe, thanks :) not sure if/when I'll get back to Tortall, Arthuriana and Narnia are taking over my life... But I do need practice at writing het (maybe even femslash?) and Tortall is a good place to do that :D.


Hello! givemethebook February 22 2009, 07:11:05 UTC

I've been reading your posts for some time now, and just wanted to say hello!

And a big Thank you! BTW for reminding me of the wonderful books of Tamora Pierce! I love those books, yet it never occurred to me to look for fic for them! duh.

*is off to find Tortall fanfic*


Re: Hello! ineptshieldmaid February 22 2009, 10:02:46 UTC
Hi! Always nice to meet a lurker...

for tortall fic, try: piercefic. :D


(The comment has been removed)

ineptshieldmaid May 3 2009, 06:01:19 UTC
Hey! Glad you liked the fic. I've sadly got a moratorium on new flisters at the moment - i find myself with a real job and am having a hard time actually keeping up with the flist. But I hardly ever flock anything, if you want to read along...


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