Greetings! You can call me Inept, which is a perfectly accurate description. If you call me Shieldmaid, which is most inaccurate, I will be immensely flattered and probably giggle a bit.
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Comments 26
*impatiently waits for end of work day*
I put up my old LOTR parody from RB and there's some entslash crackfic on here... a couple of medieval pieces and, naturally, Narnia :D
Anyway...I've fiended you, and I'm looking forward to reading along!, entslash crackfic?? Where are all these strange jargons coming from?
Ok, jargon:
slash- m/m pairings
'entslash'- m/m pairings of ents, by extension.
crackfic- the kind of thing you only think of when you're completely cracked, and/or ON crack. Such as writing entslash.
I'm one of those scary people who's wanted to be a medievalist since I was 14. (And am finally on my way!) I occasionally read your fanfic and then I go back and backread various tags and go "oh gee I should really friend this person." Friendy?
:D Medievalist solidarity. What are you studying?
Friend away!
I'm right now doing my basic lower-level undergrad at a community college but when I transfer I want to study the 12th and 13th centuries in England, especially the third crusade, Robin Hood, and the Midlands. But that might change. I really am interested in a woman named Nicola de la Haye from Lincoln who I can't really find anything about.
Ahaha, your Arthurian stuff sounds INSANE.
Ohh. Third Crusade, funfunfun. Me, I'm an Anglo-Saxonist with a side interest in high medieval dirty jokes. (Eg: Bondage jokes in Sir Gawain! Why has no one noticed this before?)
Here's a list of those that I've added to my memories. A good deal of them have to do with Raoul :D
I've been reading your posts for some time now, and just wanted to say hello!
And a big Thank you! BTW for reminding me of the wonderful books of Tamora Pierce! I love those books, yet it never occurred to me to look for fic for them! duh.
*is off to find Tortall fanfic*
for tortall fic, try: piercefic. :D
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