Well, here we go again. Just for the sake of posterity, I shall update ye all on my past week.
Uhm. Frankly, I can't remember all of it. Everything kind of mixes together in a great blur. But...this week, two frankly quite awful events : the Stretcher-incident and the Gassing.
The Incidents )
Comments 3
Gas chamber story no fun. Much sympathy to you, friend. *spares brief thought for WWII victims and those people in Iraq during the Hussein regime* Brr.
that gas-thing sounds really creepy, never liked gas masks. tried one once >( and after that, you dammit stayed awake until three in the morning? wow.
I simply do not understand how you managed to stay awake and actually play actively (not drowsing, I mean) until over 4 am! *nostaa hattua ja kumartaa* All I can say after reading your entry is that I'm soooo happy I'm a woman. May the force be with you.
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