[1] Name: kate
[2] Age: 15.
[3] Gender: im a lady [=
[4] Birthday: July 24, 1990
[5] Sexual Preference: i<3theboysss!
[6] Location: Abilene, Texass
_____Getting to Know You____
[7] Hobbies/Interests: i love playing soccer. i like watching football & baseball. i love my family very much. my friends mean the world to me. i try to keep my grades up. i party occasionally. i just love to have a good time :)
[8] Describe your personality as best you can: im a fun energetic person. i'm loud & i talk alot. i care alot about my family and friends. i stick up for them when they get hurt. so many people think that im a bitch. & i dont let people walk all over me. im not fake or 2 faced.
[9] Finish this sentence: If life gives you lemons _____. yeahh you've probably heard it before but:: find somebody with Vodka & have a party!
[10] Your biggest personality flaw: i dont really know when to keep my mouth shut. i'm very blunt & opinionted and that gets me in trouble sometimes.
[11] How would you describe “your style”: im a clothes whore. i could go 2 weeks without doing laundry & still have clean clothes. my style changes alot. i can dress where my Etnies & my Volcom hoodie one day. & my preppiest outfit the next. i just where whatever i feel like in the morning.
[12] Compare anything about yourself [it can be your personality, looks, past experience, whatever] to an ice-cream flavor and tell us WHY: my personality is like Rocky Road. Because i'm a cold person, i change my mind about people alot = rocky.
[13] Biggest pet peeve: .boys.
[14] Movies: Fast Times At Ridgemont High, Dazed & Confsued, Blow, The Notebook, Save The Last Dance, Hanging Up, She's Too Young, Thirteen .. and many more. <3
[15] Bands/Artists (atleast 7):--Rock; Fall Out Boy; Taking Back Sunday; The Used; My Chemical Romance; --Country; Faith Hill and Tim Mcgraw; Rascall Flatts --Christian;Jeremy Camp; TOBYMAC<33; Dizmas; Salvador; Barlow Girl .. and many more <3
[16] Food:i love to eat!. Italian Food is my absolute .favorite. - i also like burgers & friess. - i like to be healthy & stuff and eat salads. - chicken is my second favorite [=. - & canddy, fudge, chocolate, etc. is yummy too :).
[17] Drink: i like Gatorade. ((the light blue kind)). the only soda i'll drink is Coke. i like Kool-Aid. ((the red kind))
[18] Books: ANYTHING by Nicholas Sparks.
[19] Author/Director/Photographer: hmm .. i dont really pay attention to directors. =/ but my favorite Authors are Ann Rule & Nicholas Sparks.
[20] Quote: people are ALWAYS gonna talk .. so why not give 'em something to talk about
[21] Weekend activity: shopping! my friendsss. staying up all night & sleeping all day.<33*
[22] TV show: Laguna Beach; Desperate Housewives; Greys Anatomy; Gilmore Girls;& anything on VH1
[23] Store: rue 21, Pacific Sunwear, AE, hollisterrrr<3, Goody's.
[24] Colour: i like pinK. greeN. teaL. ♥ [=
____Questions & Opinions____
[25] Answer 3+ of the following:
Opinions of
o1. …George W. Bush/the Bush administration?
o2. …the death penalty?
o3. …gay rights/marriage? most of my guy friends are gay. im not homophobic in any kind of way. i think they should be married. Senario:: a lesbian couple, they've been together for 25 years. one is in the hospital, the other cant go see her because she's not family. she's dieing & she cant be with her life partner because people don't think they should be together. it makes me sad.
o4. …abortions?
o5. …religion? im a chirstian. i<3God. i dont attend church regulary because i dont like my church. it doesnt mean i dont pray or believe. i try to live my life for Him. but its very hardd.
o6. …self mutilation/suicide? i know its hard. one of my close friends commited suicide last year. it breaks my heart that people think they're so alone they have to end it like this. so i try my hardest to be there for anybody who needs me.
[26] Answer 1+ of the following:
o7. If your house was on fire and you could only pick
one thing to take with you, what would it be? -- i would save my dog, Foxy. because she's the cutest sweetest little doggy. & she keeps me warm when its really cold in my room. & i'd miss giving her my food. cause shes a fat doggy [=
o8. If you could, would you chose to know your 'death date'? Explain.
o9. How is a raven like a writing desk?
o10. Do you believe in fate/destiny? Explain.
o11. What would Jesus do?
____Last but not Least____
[27] Where did you hear about us?: i was just going through my old lj's friends pages. & i found it form ___babeeee
[28] Promote us in 1-2 non promotion communities [link it]:
http://www.livejournal.com/community/___summerr/273096.html?mode=reply[29] Do you have a MySpace? [link it]: www.myspace.com/___kate___
[30] Post atleast 4 clear pictures of yourself:
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