Friend's Only.
01:add me first. 02:comment. 03:wait to be added. 04:don't take me off later.
I recently did a friends-cut.
311savesthegirl, _fly, _rx_queen_, akuma, babedoll1256, bluejewel182, blyssfulanjil, cashd0gg_xo, cloudystar, cosmicbliss, crossmyheart_, cyd_vicious, dateless_loser, eldork0, fbchik9, finalnotice69, fo_sheezy, frodijlah, fucking_a, fuctupkid22, gc_bebe_xo, ilovegcmonkeys, hazy_eyes, lilstepherzz, maybe_mem0ries, nautynature, nighttimekitty, noise_kisses, poptart959, princessfrankie, ravens_nirvana, riotgurrl, saytheword, schlampa, shortybebe, sunkiss608, teenagememoirs, tigger4, uniquee, veggie_platter, xjadedtears, xoceileox, xxavril. if you are any of those people, please take me off.
I took you off because either;
001:you haven't updated in over a month.
002:you moved journals.
If you want to be readded, then ask, and I'll consider it. kthanks.