Title: Art for
Playtime by
jdl71Fandom: Supernatural
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dean
Rating: NC-17 for extreme violence and disturbing imagery. Fic is NC-17 for extreme violence and explicit sexual content. See fic post for more warnings/details.
Type: Digital Art
Author’s Note: This is the art for
wincestbigbang Playtime. Jen was such a lovely collaborator and had such nice things to say about my art. I only hope my art is creepy and disturbing enough to do justice to the story.
Summary: Sequel to Playmate: Sam and Dean Winchester have embraced their dark desires for each other and for killing not just the supernatural. They travel, looking for a new toy for Sam to play with and something for Dean to hunt. They enjoy hearing the screams of those they hunt; Sam loves to see their blood drip from his knife while Dean enjoys the thrill of the hunt.
I was a little frustrated that I couldn't figure out a way to illustrate this more accurately to the story, but I couldn't find any images of people tied up in the backseat footwell of a car that would have the right perspective (and also clearly be staged rather than a real image of something like this). That limitation aside, I'm pretty happy with how it turned out, though. I like how delighted Sam looks by his toy and that an open trunk Impala shot was available.