Title: Sam and Dean Do Rocky Horror, Or: That Time Sam Didn't Mention the Costumes Were Incestuous Until After the Movie Started
Fandom: Supernatural(X Rocky Horror)
Characters/Pairings: Sam/Dean implied (if you know the movie, you'll know why), also, that short chick is definitely up for a threesome later
Genre: CRACK
Rating: PG-13 for Language and Sexuality
Type: Drawn Art, Cartoon
Author’s Note: I had this idea last year, actually, but I got it the day before Halloween and did not have time to make it a reality. Basically, you will never convince me that Sam Winchester did not become a member of the Rocky Horror cult while he was at Stanford, and I felt he would definitely trick Dean into dressing up as Riff, drag him out, have him declared a Virgin, and then make him sit through the movie and realize only halfway through that Sammy made him dress up incestuously. The picture simultaneously takes place at four times in the show: at the very beginning (hence the "Fuck the backrow!" callback line), during the Time Warp, far enough in for Dean to have realized Riff and Magenta are brother and sister, and just before "Eddie's Teddy" when the toast is thrown. Also,
if that short chick checking Sam out looks familiar, I swear it's purely coincidence O:) And
this art now comes with fic, thanks to
Summary: Sam and Dean go to see Rocky Horror dressed as Magenta and Riff Raff. Dean is not amused.
I'm not in love with the coloring on it because I couldn't find all the Sharpies I wanted and had to use some crayons, but whatever. I plan to do a series of these. Next Halloween, Dean will get his revenge >:)