Title: Falling Into Heaven
Fandom: Real Person Fic: CW
Characters/Pairings: Jared/Jensen
Rating: PG-13 for language and comedic violence
Word Count: 3,118
Author’s Note: Merry belated
spn_j2_xmas to
sammythankyou. I am so sorry this was not done on time, but hopefully it will bring you some New Year's cheer! I wrote for your prompt: "Apprentice!demonJ1 (or any creature/
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Comments 69
Thank you so much for the lovely words, BB.
No, you don't understand, I received the email notification while I was about to go to bed, I said to myself 'fuck it all' and read it straight away. And I fell asleep after that, grinning like mad, because AWESOME. Then I read it again this morning, when all my brain cells were at full speed, and it was EVEN MORE AWESOME.
DEMON!JENSEN MAKING SURE JARED DOESN'T KILL HIMSELF BY ACCIDENT! FOR YEARS! DEMON!JENSEN GETTING ATTACHED, JARED FIGURING HIM OUT ("Well, I don’t think an angel would have told a twelve year old he should 'maybe try drugs in a few years."? this is gold omg), THEM BOTH SLOWLY FALLING FOR EACH OTHER. AND THE ENDING, OMG.
This made me really, really happy - thank you so, so much! It's an incredible gift (and to finish it on a sober but true note, it came after an bad anxiety attack, right when I needed something to uplift my mood. Your timing was perfect. Thank you <3)
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