The OC (as in Orange County CA) is about this "troubled" teen who ends up getting "adopted" by a public defender who happens to be married to a very rich woman. Their kid becomes the main characters best friend and the new kid in town developes a crush on the girl dating the biggest jock in whichever town it is they live in. The series was supposed to be filler for the Summer but caught on and got good reviews. Currently its not on but will be in late October or November, whenever baseball ends. At first I didn't think I would like it, but then I started watching it and its really not a bad show.
yes its on Fox, not sure the time or day its back on, but probably 9 eastern/8 central or something. Having moved West from the East coast I'm still not used to the weird times tv shows start.
Comments 4
At first I didn't think I would like it, but then I started watching it and its really not a bad show.
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