And well, I'll take a picture of my loot in a bit... but first, I have cosplay pictures. Not of mine, of course. But hey, they were fun! And, I did a special request for speshul
magelet too, who... hates Suzaku. A-anyway! Pictures! Pictuuuuressssssss!
Let's begin with the nice pictures. You know, the harmless kind, where Lelouch is manly, for example... and manly. Really.
And where Howl cosplayers appear and look hot :|
A modern-day Prussia rules the streets with... a red motorcycle.
And I force Ichigo against Gaijin!Goku...
Where there are cute Martels to be found!
And Suzakus induldging in his secret doujinshi secret to be had in the Dealers' room...
Lelouch can totally carry C.C. by the way. This is a sign of manhood. Believe it :|
And Emil ;;
ASSTTTTEEERUUU I mean... E-emil. :D
The Unholy Trio... mm.
Canada owning America... well, it is in Canada :|
And- and... well, now we go to the fun-er parts. :| Because, see, a certain
magelet doesn't really like Suzaku, sooooo-- in her honor-- and using her as an excuse, I now present you--
A LINK :|A.K.A. Ai-chan's very speshul Suzaku album :d
Because stuff like this deserve a speshul link :}
And well, okay, I have one more before I get back to uploading pics in album..
In which I grabbed the Lelouch and the Suzaku, and went "HEY, YOU, CIEL-KUN, I HAVE A FAVOR--" to someone randomly standing ten feet away, and then "SEBBY-KUN, YOUUUU, C'MERE >(" to a lounging Sebastian standing about 15 feet away from the Ciel-kun :D
It was fun 8D
I'll post a better, more coherent post later :|