Dreamwidth: Somewhat here, but mostly there :D

Dec 31, 2037 20:28

I understand LJ is really dead nowadays so for the people still browsing it (and on my flist or otherwise). My dreamwidth is madderskies.

I'm also on twitter as mooglepuffs.

PM me because my dreamwidth account is friends only. Let me know who you are before I add you! And finally, I'm still cross-posting but, you know...


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Comments 5

bakayaro_onna April 26 2013, 14:33:37 UTC
I think it's mostly dead because of the work it takes to post images (having a host or using their image storage) and Facebook is more immediate - just click on the image and it's up.

I use my BJD LJ a lot more than this general one. The general one turned into a whiny health dump for a while. I'm trying to post at this one again.

The Gravitation Muse Meet still gets trickles, which is nice to see.


infected_wound April 29 2013, 01:59:02 UTC
*hugs* If life's like that, though, then it's okay to vent in LJ! And share with friends :c And stuff.

Trickles from me! Maybe.... Now that finals is done, I feel like I really ought to get to finish my fics....


sliefoxx October 25 2014, 21:10:26 UTC
Hey missy! I'm following you on twitter as ennuiloaf. If you ever go to tumblr I'm mattysones : >


infected_wound October 26 2014, 21:29:09 UTC
I'll adddd youuu on both :D

I'm caerurea over at tumblr :)!!!!

I totally mindpooped and thought I got that username on tumblr... when in fact I don't ;;


sliefoxx October 27 2014, 05:01:31 UTC
HEYA~ Swimming anime hell yeah!

I added you on the tumblrs : >


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