(no subject)

Dec 09, 2005 16:43

shanked threw the crainem says: allo
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: Hello
shanked threw the crainem says: waz up
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: nothing much, you?
shanked threw the crainem says: nothing trying to find some one to chill with
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: Ah
shanked threw the crainem says: yep
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: So, what's wrong with COMMUNISM?
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: im agents it
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: You realise Canada really isn't a communist country, but a capitalistic one, right?
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: As is the majority of the new world
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: ya i know but it feels like it
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: How?
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: u wouldnt understand
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: If you get paid for doing work, it's capitalism
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: look u dont want to get into this with me
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: Lol, fine.
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: But why don't I?
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: because my views,ull dispize
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: Right....
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: If you're going to underestimate or judge someone, why bother talking to them?
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: y not
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: and i juge alot
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: Are you Aryan or something?
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: yes i am
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: Ah
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: and i full blown neo nazi skin head
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: Why?
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says:
because its what i beleve
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says:
because im tyred of losing jobs because of fucking border jumpers that will work for fuck all.
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: which is a reasonable aggitation
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: However, white-bread Americans can be considered "border-jumpers" as well.
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: ya u have no idea howmany jobs i have lost because of this shit
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: ya well they dont work for shit
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: Just saying.
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: i know a shit load of them that have came over. and i welcome them, tey work hard and dont deminish white race
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: Natural blondehair and blue eyes is becoming extinct. By this time next centure, No one will be "pure". Even some of the whitest of the white have Aboriginal or even African genes.
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: The fact that they don't physically look it doesn't mean they aren't there.
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: i already know that and its discuting
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: the fact that my jenerstion is deminishing
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: ahh it makes me sick
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: did u know 70% of ganes r formed  and run by niggers
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: Run?
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: Oh, gangs
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: yes
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: 20% r spiks
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: % r gooks
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: 5
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: I'm from Mexico.
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: good for u
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: Was just wondering if that would change your opinion of me
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: i have none of u
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: Why's that?
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: because i dont
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: I'm part Indonesian. How about now?
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: u dont understand what adolf waz doing do u
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: w/e
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: I understand, but that doesn't mean I agree with it. I believe that Hitler was a genius who used his intelligence to hinder natural evolution as opposed to aid it.
Look, it's obvious that you and I aren't, and never will get along. Shall we part here?
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: y
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: i love to dabate
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: lol
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: hitler just wanted is country and race iuninfected
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: I like to debate, but this is just going to frustrate me, and right now, I don't need any added frustration.
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: how is it frustrating?
canada a liberal country??........more like a comunest country to me says: because u will not change my ways
dahlya is... [a fuck trophy] says: I'm not aiming to change your belief system. I just think it's ignorant and childish.
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