character relationships
Charles Tucker III ?✦✦✦X
The Doctor (Ears) ✔✦✦✦✦
Sharing the face of Uhura, Eve caught Spock's attention during a network post portraying her stubbornness. She now has a Vulcan stalker. ...Good luck with that.
Eve ✔✦✦✦✦
The House has quickly become one of Spock's closest…friends? Acquaintances. It also happens to be his newest living accommodation too, but that's a whole other story.
The House ✔✔✔?✦
IT'S COMPLICATED. It's his captain, only not. Aware that this Jim is the one his own future self worked alongside, Spock respects the man and is willing to defer to his much as he would to his own Captain.
Jim also happens to be the closest thing to a friend he has, and he trusts the man implicitly. Whether or not that's a good thing remains to be seen.
James T. Kirk ✔✔✔?✦
DOUCHE. Okay, maybe only a little. As the female equivalent of Leonard McCoy, Lena gets the default level of respect that all crewmates get. Beyond that, there's the usual, awkward not!friendship on the horizon.
Lena McCoy ✔✔✦✦✦
Despite the insults and that constant level of tension between them, Spock does respect the Doctor. That respect even goes as far as to brush onto the side of liking the man sometimes, however grudgingly. From what he's seen both in the city and back on the Enterprise, he knows that McCoy is definitely going to be useful in the future when it comes to keeping an eye on a certain Captain.
Leonard McCoy ✔✔✔✦✦
Malcolm Reed ✔✦✦✦✦
Mirrorverse sucks. But Scott's still the person whose abilities he'd trust most when it comes to anything technical. He just needs to get around to trying to convince the man to help .
Montgomery Scott ✔?✦✦✦
Nyota Uhura ✔✔✔✔✔
The crazy little Russian...girl? Just like Lena, Pasha gets the same default level of respect as any crewmate would. Despite the obvious differences.
Stupid city.
Pasha A. Chekov ✔✔✦✦✦
So much linefacing. It may've been years ago, but Spock still knows how to hold a grudge. Especially when the other person happens to be one of his classmates that bullied him as a child. Of course, he won't let that get in the way of his duty.
Saval ✔✦✦✦?
A source of information and a vampire to boot. Watch this space.
Seras Victoria ✔✦✦✦✦
AWKWARD TURTLE. Sirius is a pain in the ass. Thankfully, not literally. Equally as interesting as he is annoying, Spock still isn't entirely sure what to think of the man. He's admitted he's a convict, but he's also stated he's innocent. It helps that people from Sirius' future have also mentioned his acquittal..
Sirius Black ✔✔?✦✦
The narcissistic genius helping with the transponder project.
Yep. The less said there, the better. Spock doesn't really like the guy much, but he knows Tony isn't the type to start slacking.
Tony Stark ✔✦✦✦X
A face from the past, only not. T'Pol is one of the Vulcans from times past; one that he's grown up respecting. Except for the fact that she comes from an alternate reality where Vulcans are slaves to Humans. Well, Terrans. He cares about her as much as one Vulcan would for another. But beyond that, their relationship is a little...clinical.
T’Pol ✔✔?✦✦