I have never fallen so hard, so fast for a pairing before. Arthur/Ariadne of Inception fame... I love them! Add fic to some time spent listening to the soundtrack, and everything's pretty much gravy. There are some really great fics out there, and to be honest I'm even warming up to threesome fic (provided it's Arthur/Ariadne/Eames), which is odd for me since I've never been a threesome kind of reader. One thing I'll never get used to is... god I don't even know what it's called - but fic about real people? As in, instead of characters like Ariadne and Arthur it's about Ellen Page and Joseph Gordon-Levitt? My point is, it's always seemed like an invasion of privacy to write, read and often perv over actors, even if they are celebs and so much of their lives are publicly consumed anyway. Just my opinion.
I keep dropping off the side of the planet. I'm worried that I haven't been putting enough "friendship capital" to keep all my relationships from deteriorating, and so I'm gradually losing touch with a lot of people. I think it comes down to managing my time and my life and concentrating my efforts more efficiently, so I'll have time to do more things that I want to do instead of just the things I have to do - and often failing even at those. Other people seem to have so much time to do everything, and I consider my empty social calendar and realize that it's about time management. Perhaps a little less interwebs?
In order to deal with my various anxieties, I've taught myself to knit over the holidays. It's very restful and meditative, and so far I've got a little bag for my knit supplies and about a third of a knit glove. I'm kind of proud of myself, though school is gearing up once more and I'm going to need all the serenity I can muster up.