[drabble] 001. freefall, 1/1

Mar 05, 2011 00:28

001. freefall
kangin/leeteuk | romance | pg
over the years, leeteuk has noticed that no one quite smiles at him the way kangin does.

challenge masterlist.

“We’re eloping,” is the first thing Kangin says when he tiptoes into Leeteuk’s room as if the world is poised and ready to strike.

Turning away from his laptop to stare at him, Leeteuk blinks. “What?”

“We’re eloping!” He can only stare blankly at Kangin like he’s crazy. Because he is.

“Uh, okay?”

“I’m serious, man.” Kangin locks the door behind him, before pulling something out of his pocket and getting onto one knee in front of Jungsu. Leeteuk goes deathly pale when he sees a velvet box sitting in Kangin’s hands, just two seconds away from shitting himself.


“I’m going to the army soon, and all I’ve been causing is trouble to the group, and I’m really, really sorry,” Kangin says, the words tumbling out so fast that Leeteuk actually has to think to understand what he’s saying. “Remember when we first met? We were at that trainee party and I took your bibimbap because I thought your plate was someone else’s-and then you just quietly hated me until we debuted together? Yeah, uh, I’m actually really sorry about that, but the point is, you’ve stuck with me after all the crap I’ve put you and the others through, especially when I’m being an ass, because yeah, I know I’m an ass sometimes-”

“Youngwoon,” Leeteuk gasps, feeling like he can choke on his heart because it’s pretty much lodged in his throat. “You’re crazy. Get up right now.”

“Just-just promise me that you’ll deal with my crap in the future? Like, as in, forever in the future? Even after we’re reincarnated and living as noodle shop owners or something?” Kangin’s eyes are wide and earnest, and Leeteuk wonders when he lost the last of his sanity. It must’ve been sometime in the last couple of hours, because he saw him just this morning and he was perfectly fine.

“What are you talking about-”

“Just promise me! Please, hyung, please?”

After a pause, Leeteuk sighs. “Fine, fine, whatever. Just get up, you’re scaring me. And put that thing away, I don’t ever want to see it again.” He glares at the velvet box like it’s cursed.

“Oh, God. It’s not what you think it is.” Kangin almost goes the same shade of white that Leeteuk was just moments earlier. “Definitely not what you think it is.”

“Then what is it?”

Kangin (finally) gets to his feet, and opens the box. “Earrings. Since, y’know, it’s too weird and gay to give you a ring. But you always have to wear them, okay? I’ll be watching TV whenever I can when I’m in the military, and if I see you on TV and you’re not wearing these, I’m going to strangle you when I get back.”

Leeteuk takes the box and inspects the earrings. They’re black studs, in the form of small cards-one spade, and one diamond. “Surprisingly, you have a sense of style.”

“Obviously! I’ll get you one clover and heart later, ‘kay?”

And if accepting these earrings means accepting the promise of a lifetime, of decades’ worth of mistakes and assholery-well, he doesn’t mind, he supposes. Who else would put up with his crap, anyway? Over the years, Leeteuk has noticed that no one quite smiles at him the way Kangin does.

He avoids eye contact as he takes out his current earrings and puts in the new ones. “I’ll have you know that just because I’ll forgive you, doesn’t mean that you can be an ass as you please.”

“We’ll see about that.”

Leeteuk kicks him.

i now realize how difficult it's going to be to write 100 unique fics about super junior. what have i gotten myself into .___.

length: drabble, genre: fluff, pairing: kangin/leeteuk, rating: pg, fic: 100 super junior fic challenge, genre: romance, fandom: super junior

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