this is an anonymous prompt meme for Infinite. your fill can be in the form of fanfic or fanart. request and fill to your heart's content. there will be a new post every 2 weeks 100 comments.
drrrkink for the code (@ ̄∇ ̄@)
- prompt posts must be anonymous. you may un-anon when filling a prompt.
- pairings/ot3s go in the subject header & please don't use pairing names (alphabetical order would be preferred). eg. Sunggyu/Woohyun, Myungsoo/Anyone, Sunggyu/Sungjong/Sungyeol etc.
- if member centric, please type: (member)-centric. eg. Sunggyu-centric
- if it is a crossover pairing, please list the Infinite member first and then whoever it is after including which group they are part of. eg. Sunggyu/Nell: Jongwan, Myungsoo/Death Note: L etc.
- please warn appropriately for potentially triggering content eg. rape/non-con, dubious consent/dub-con, bestiality/zoophilia, necrophilia, character death, graphic depictions of violence, sexualization of minors, self-injury etc.
- picture and video prompts should be posted as links. please indicate if nsfw!
- multiple fills and fills on old prompts are totally fine and encouraged
- if your fill takes more than one comment, please reply to your first fill instead of the whole thread
- if you're filling a prompt from an old post, remember to post the link to the current post
- if you do a fill for every prompt you make, then profit for everyone! n__n
questions? suggestions? concerns? leave a message here or contact: infinitepromptmeme @ gmail
for educational purposes:
how to leave a prompt:
how to fill a prompt:
and have fun n_n