I'm up to just about 250 DVDs, now.
Since coming to school I've purchased some ridiculous
Harley Davidson and the Marlboro Man (Come on... seriously, who wouldn't buy this movie? I have yet to watch it, though)
Hot Fuzz (HAD to)
Mirrormask (Wonderful movie, the music is the best part)
Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrles (Serious English)
The Birdcage (A staple of my childhood)
Ocean's Eleven (I guess now that another sequel is out, they can start selling this again)
Casino Royale (It's a badass movie)
High Tension (The beginning and middle are art. The end blows)
The Usual Suspects (I can't believe it took me this long to see this movie)
Jacob's Ladder (The one about Acid and Vietnam, with Tim Robbins)
Stigmata (It brings back awesome memories)
Taxi Driver (Ridiculous)
The Lost Boys (Kiefer Sutherland and Cory Feldman are vampires? ... ok!)
28 Days/Weeks Later (I'd seen the first but not the second, and the two of them were 20 bucks)
As well as season 1 of Heroes and seasons 1 and 2 of It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
And Jason and Kristina are restarting Taco Night up here, with my urging. The first one was Sunday, and Kat and I went over to have tacos with them and Travi and Hippie and Steve's new girlfriend, I guess. It was fun.
The dogs fought and football was on and I was eating good tacos and drinking one of my favorite beers, and Steve was there, and I felt... right.
I need to get out of Florida, though.
I love the thought of my education, and I'm going to get it, I just hate that I have to stay here to do it.
I should look into transferring. I should look into cheating the lottery.
And also look into moving to Philadelphia to hang with Willcox and become the newest cast member of It's Always Sunny. Seriously... I can drink beer and be retarded but observant and accurate at the same time.
I want to answer the door in a genuine Nazi uniform while eating a banana. I can do that! I have the talent!
I'm staying in Orlando for a week soon, and Kat will have classes, I'm guessing, so I might get a chance to just get lost in a real town, maybe. I don't even know who I know in Orlando. I should look into that, too.
I deleted like, 65 people off of my Myspace.... I bet they were all the people I knew in Orlando. Eh, fuck 'em.