Title: Fifth of a Second
Pairing/Focus: Myungsoo/Sungyeol
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 3,189
Summary: Myungsoo can’t help but to watch that one guy that always gets off one stop before him.
yeollahFrom: Your Secret Santa
Myungsoo can’t help but to watch that one guy that always gets off one stop before him. )
Comments 2
I love how it's all so realistic and relatable, like how Myungsoo always takes the bus to work and gets hit on by customers and lives his life in what could be said is routine before returning home to his annoying little roommate- it's all so believable and fun to read :) and then he meets Sungyeol on the bus he always takes and idk the coincidence of it all is so cute I cannot and omg this line he was also very aware that he always got off one stop before he did I LOVE THIS WHOLE BUS THING, authoranon. And let me just quote this part because it was so fantastic-
He decided to share the knowledge of the brunet with his roommate one evening ( ... )
But thank goodness that you loved it so much! I was kind of at a loss for a while as to what to write but I'm glad the end result was liked so much! In the end it was a pleasure to write (idk why but I especially loved Woohyun's character lol). I'm glad my effort to make it realistic was worth it! ^^
Thank you for your kind words! Hope you had a great holiday! :D
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