Title: Origin of Species Pairing/Focus: Dongwoo/Hoya Rating: PG-13 Word count: 4,098 Summary: Hoya goes on a date with a man who has a passion for the past.
You made me feel everything. The intial cold/snowy/winter/empty/lonely mood Hoya was in. The way how he almost felt forced to go there and then the.....amazement with wich he started to loose the (apparently) long preserved guard and deep dug emotional side of him. Then the story continues and you made me feel the moment when this amazement shifted on another level, to an utter gratefulness that the guard was destroyed (cause he wouldn't probably manage or even wanted it but deep inside he was waiting for someone to break it for him).
I really loved this! I'm gonna mention it in my fanfiction pimping list and I am definitely gonna go read more of your stories.
First off, I'd like to say that I'm immensely surprised you decided to choose this prompt out of the options I provided. I thought this would've been the most avoided, considering paleontology isn't something people would generally be familiar with (or interested in writing about). Yet the way you used that to write this, the way you incorporated this into the story without stealing away the main focus was absolutely brilliant. It is everything I hoped the prompt would bring to Dongwoo's character: the profession not defining him as a person, but certainly demonstrating the way he views life, the way he shows passion for what he believes in and the simple joys he finds in the seemingly menial things in life
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this is wonderful *___* i can't really say much that hasn't already been said, but: the setting is so rich, fully fleshed out without being overly meticulous. your characterization of both of them is so great - hoya's stiffness and his calculation, dongwoo's interest in others while keeping his own self hidden, all summarized with the part about the model whale. it's a simple arc - a few hours in their lives - but it goes deep.
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You made me feel everything. The intial cold/snowy/winter/empty/lonely mood Hoya was in. The way how he almost felt forced to go there and then the.....amazement with wich he started to loose the (apparently) long preserved guard and deep dug emotional side of him. Then the story continues and you made me feel the moment when this amazement shifted on another level, to an utter gratefulness that the guard was destroyed (cause he wouldn't probably manage or even wanted it but deep inside he was waiting for someone to break it for him).
I really loved this! I'm gonna mention it in my fanfiction pimping list and I am definitely gonna go read more of your stories.
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