sheets are swaying. harry/louis

Jul 10, 2012 20:17

title: sheets are swaying

fandom:  one direction

ship: harry/louis

synopsis: it was a week later than it was supposed to be, but louis was finally going to have his homecoming - once and for all.

word count: 2,000+

a/n: apparently any time something happens related to louis and eleanor, i have to write a fic about it?  whatever.  today (yesterday?   ( Read more... )

ship: harry/louis, fandom: one direction, larry fic

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Comments 22

betsyisawesome July 11 2012, 01:39:05 UTC
sam i have emotions about your el can every fic you right be el and lou being cute bros together


infinitesparks July 11 2012, 07:08:38 UTC
I love my El, she is my baby.


braincloud2 July 11 2012, 02:28:46 UTC
This is so sweet and lovely, it's giving me lots of warm feels :D Gosh, the way Louis just waits for Harry to realise he's there, and how his eyes travel up to meet Louis'~
I'm smiling so hard now , I just want to cuddle this fic <3


infinitesparks July 11 2012, 07:08:48 UTC
asjdflk thank you!! <33


mowglimoonshado July 11 2012, 06:49:15 UTC
leeds bracelet strikes again! gah be still my heart


infinitesparks July 11 2012, 07:09:17 UTC
nbsdjfo I'm pretty sure that the Leeds bracelet has somehow turned into my accidental motif for all of my fics or something!


auslarryshipper July 11 2012, 07:22:06 UTC
This is so sweet! I love reading current/realistic fics! Makes me smile :)


infinitesparks July 14 2012, 04:03:26 UTC
aaaah I'm glad you liked it! <3

and yes, same, ones set in present time with actual goings-on are my favorites to read <3


tracedust July 11 2012, 08:35:03 UTC
i love this so much. headcanon tbh!


infinitesparks July 14 2012, 04:02:40 UTC
SAME! and thank you <3


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