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Apr 22, 2013 20:42

Doctor Who catchup ramble, Monday edition: The Rings of Akhaten.

One thing I don't appreciate: the stress placed on something the Doctor doesn't understand being impossible. I always headdesked when Ten gasped "that's impossible" at something which, like the last umpteen impossible things, was staring him in the face, and I don't like it now.

One thing I do appreciate: Clara, who wears wings and forgets where she wants to go and can't stand still when there's a scared kid in the vicinity.

One thing that got me right in the feels: "I came here a long time ago with my granddaughter." And he was almost channeling Hartnell for a moment there. AAAAH.

Also, what's all this about the TARDIS not liking Clara? She doesn't have the key; of course the doors won't open!

Other things I appreciate: they're showing Clara's mum instead of just mentioning her once in a while after fridging her. She's got a face; she's got a voice; we get to see Clara's treasured memories of her. I like that.

One thing I didn't get spoiled for: whether the kid survived. So. Heart in throat in the song scene, because Something Was About To Happen.

The monster was way too anthropomorphized for a living star, and why tease us with pretending to take the Doctor's memories (wouldn't that have been an interesting couple of episodes) if they weren't going to be taken? I see what the episode were trying to do, but it was muddled. Overall: gorgeous visuals, cute kid, plot holes I could drive a sun through, bring on the submarines.

Originally posted on Dreamwidth. There are
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11th doctor, dw, reviews

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