(no subject)

Apr 25, 2013 21:56

Doctor Who catchup ramble, Thursday edition: Hide.

I went into this episode relatively unspoilered, and GHOST HUNTERS. And then there was a Ghostbusters joke, so I was, so to speak, in heaven already, and then there was the banter. "Doctor what?" "If you like." HAHAHAHA. "MEMBER OF THE BAKER STREET IRREGULARS." Who is this writer and why hasn't he been writing everyth--

...aaaaaaand then it collapsed into a complete muddle of tired gender tropes only vaguely redeemed by the brilliant acting and evocative setting, just like last time. Whoops.

But this episode did have the Eye of Harmony AND Metebelis 3, and the banter still gets 8 out of 10. "I dispute that assertion." "I'm giving you a face." Yyyep.

So now I'm all caught up!

Originally posted on Dreamwidth. There are
comments there so far.

11th doctor, dw, reviews

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